NotesWhat is

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Notes -

Breakdown ACCESS

Countif(numbering) CC (B column)
Duplicates(pivot table) DD (C column)

Formulas (very slow) :

CC [B2] = Countif$(merge) = Countif(A2:A$500,A2)
DD [C2] = Countif$$(merge) = Countif(A$2:A$500,A2)

Static Method :

Sort merge AtoZ
CC [B2] = 1
CC [B3] = if(A3=A2, B2+1, 1)

Sort CC ZtoA
Sort merge AtoZ
DD [C2] = B2
DD [C3] = if(A3=A2, C2, B3)

Procedure -

You have to update only 5 items -

id9, Kite

var arrName, arrCompanies, arrContacts
(in Macros)
arrName: Kite array
arrCompanies: Companies breakdown array
arrContacts: Contacts breakdown array
Create [Kite] column :
if requirement is
[x1, x2, x3] no. of companies,
[y1, y2, y3] no. of contacts
for particular [Application] [Country] [State]
Kite = Application&Country&State
var arrName = ["App1Country1State1", "App2Country2State2", "App3Country3State3"];
var arrCompanies = [367,517,433];
var arrContacts = [726,1404,1190];

if only Contacts breakdown is required (Companies breakdown is not required)
Then goto Access,
Run Total SQL of "Available [Companies]",
use this breakdown in 'arrCompanies' array.

if there is no breakdown but requirement is X number of Companies with Y number of Contacts
Then create [Kite] column, in [Kite] type "Z" for all cells,
update Macros-arrays:
var arrName = ["Z"],
var arrCompanies = [X no.]
var arrContacts = [Y no.]

Add columns:
id9, Kite, FCC, merge, CC, DD, merge2,
merge3, Tep, Res, Fin

id9 = row()-1 ..............(Autonumber in ACCESS)
Kite = Application&Country&State

FCC = Countif(Company)
merge = Kite&Company

CC (merge), DD (merge)
merge2 = Kite&DD&Company

{ Import file to Access, update Macros-arrays, Ctrl+G, Run Macros, goto Excel file and vlookup id9 column of Access file (OR Export Access file to Excel) }

if Total Unique Companies are less than Total Required,
filter (Res=blank, FCC=1) for P no. of records change Fin=blank to Fin=2
filter (Fin=1, CC=doesnotequal:1) for P no. of records change Fin=1 to Fin=blank

if Total Contacts are less than Total Required,
filter (Fin=blank, Sort [DD] ZtoA, Sort [Res] ZtoA) for P no. of records change Fin=blank to Fin=2

Macros(ACCESS)[create Macros via JavaScript] -

var arrName = ["FIS", "IHS", "Simcorp"];
var arrCompanies = [367,517,433];
var arrContacts = [726,1404,1190];

document.body.textContent = ``;

document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `

Option Compare Text<br ><br ><br >

Private Sub ispGen()<br ><br ><br >

Dim db As Object<br >
Set db = CurrentDb<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "ALTER TABLE [FINAL] ADD COLUMN [FCC] TEXT, " & _<br >
"[merge] TEXT, [CC] TEXT, [DD] TEXT, [merge2] TEXT, " & _<br >
"[merge3] TEXT, [Tep] TEXT, [Res] TEXT, [Fin] TEXT;"<br ><br >

MsgBox "Columns Added"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "SELECT FINAL.[Company Name], Count(FINAL.[Company Name]) AS [Company Count], First(FINAL.id9) AS id9Unique " & _<br >
"GROUP BY FINAL.[Company Name];"<br ><br >

MsgBox "FCCTB table created"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "update FINAL,FCCTB " & _<br >
"set " & _<br >
"FINAL.FCC = '1' " & _<br >
"where " & _<br >
"FINAL.id9 = FCCTB.id9Unique;"<br ><br >

MsgBox "FCC Done"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "update FINAL " & _<br >
"set " & _<br >
"merge = Kite&[Company Name];"<br ><br >

MsgBox "merge Done"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "SELECT FINAL.merge, Count(FINAL.merge) AS mergeCount, First(FINAL.id9) AS id9Unique " & _<br >
"INTO mergeTB FROM FINAL " & _<br >
"GROUP BY FINAL.merge;"<br ><br >

MsgBox "mergeTB table created"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "update FINAL,mergeTB " & _<br >
"set " & _<br >
"FINAL.CC = '1' " & _<br >
"where " & _<br >
"FINAL.id9 = mergeTB.id9Unique;"<br ><br >

MsgBox "CC Done"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "update FINAL,mergeTB " & _<br >
"set " & _<br >
"FINAL.DD = mergeTB.mergeCount " & _<br >
"where " & _<br >
"FINAL.merge = mergeTB.merge;"<br ><br >

MsgBox "DD Done"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "update FINAL " & _<br >
"set merge2 = Kite&DD&[Company Name];"<br ><br >

MsgBox "merge2 Done"<br ><br ><br >


for(var i=0; i<arrName.length;i++){

document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `

db.Execute "update ( " & _<br >
"select top ${arrCompanies[i]} Tep from ( " & _<br >
"select Tep,merge2 from final " & _<br >
"where CC = '1' and [Kite] = '${arrName[i]}' " & _<br >
"order by merge2 desc " & _<br >
")) as ss " & _<br >
"set ss.Tep = '1';"<br ><br >


document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
MsgBox "Tep (Unique Companies Breakdown) done"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "select merge2 into TB from final " & _<br >
"where Tep='1';"<br ><br >

MsgBox "TB table created"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "update final,TB " & _<br >
"set final.Res = '1' " & _<br >
"where " & _<br >
"final.merge2 = TB.merge2;"<br ><br >

MsgBox "Res done (Take from Res records)"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "update final " & _<br >
"set " & _<br >
"merge3 = Kite&Res&'C'&CC&'Z';"<br ><br >

MsgBox "merge3 done"<br ><br ><br >

for(var i=0; i<arrName.length;i++){

document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `

db.Execute "update ( " & _<br >
"select top ${arrContacts[i]} Fin from ( " & _<br >
"select Fin,merge3 from final " & _<br >
"where [Kite] = '${arrName[i]}' " & _<br >
"order by merge3 " & _<br >
")) as vv " & _<br >
"set vv.Fin = '1';"<br ><br >


document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
MsgBox "Fin (Contacts Breakdown) done"<br ><br ><br >

db.Execute "DROP TABLE FCCTB, mergeTB, TB;"<br ><br >

MsgBox "Tables Dropped !"<br ><br ><br >

End Sub

SQL(Access) -

update (
select top 100 Tep from (
select Tep,merge2 from final
where CC = '1' and [Kite] = 'FIS'
order by merge2 desc
)) as ss
set ss.Tep = '1'

select merge2 into TB from final
where Tep='1'

update final,TB
set final.Res = '1'
final.merge2 = TB.merge2

update final
merge3 = Kite&Res&'C'&CC&'Z'

update (
select top 200 Fin from (
select Fin,merge3 from final
where [Kite] = 'FIS'
order by merge3
)) as vv
set vv.Fin = '1'

*************************COUNTS START*****************************

Query Design
Kite(Group By), Kite(Count)
Edit SQL

SELECT Count(*) AS Expr1

Verified [Companies]
Verified [Contacts]
Available [Companies]
Available [Contacts]

FROM (select distinct [company name],Kite from final where final.FIN is not null)

FROM (select [company name],Kite from final where final.FIN is not null)

FROM (select distinct [company name],Kite from final)

FROM (select [company name],Kite from final)

*************************COUNTS END*****************************

Create variables from excel's three columns (Kite, CompaniesCounts, ContactsCounts) :


var a = ``
var b = a.split('n')

var xx = [];
var yy = [];
var zz = [];

for(let i=0; i<b.length; i++){

for(let j=0; j<b[i].length; j++){



document.body.textContent = ``;
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `var arrName = [${xx}];<br/>
var arrCompanies = [${yy}];<br/>
var arrContacts = [${zz}];`);


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  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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