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Unus clips script: export time!!!

1) Awwww, get a load o' th-them,,,,
2) No shoes, no shirt, no service. Read the sIGn
3) Awwwww nooo. Not you again! Tch, I've dealt with this three times this week already!
4) Undertale and that's it
5) [grunting while spraying a spray bottle] oh my god, they're everywhere [more grunting and spraying] where do they come from? was it...? no... the ozone layer
6) oh no, they're getting closer. Oh no, they're getting closer! OH GOD NO THEY'RE GONNA GET MEEE
7) oh jeez what smells? it's gotta be this
8) [shopping cart motion] do we have eggs at home? [soft giggle followed by more shopping cart motion] honey, what's that over there? oh, an Annus? well I ain't never heard of one of those. grab the graham crackers. thanks. now, why are they so... gross looking? oh, yeah, that explains it. [more shopping cart motions]
9) [grunting] (southern accent) now, this right here is a classic Annus. we captured it 5 6 weeks ago. now, [laughing] don't let it get out, cuz if it does, it'll wreak havoc on the whole neighborhood.
10) [fishing motions and grunting] dad, I, I think I've got something! [grunting] oh, it's a big one! [strained noises] oh my god. i've never seen anything like this come out of the lake before. well, should we cook it up or,, throw it back? tch, you're right. [grunt] (struggling) l-let's go t-tell mahm
11) [grunting and punching motions] (panting) Karen, get the kids, grab the bag, and get into the car. I'll be there in 20 minutes. You cannot hesitate. I love you. [panting] ***CUT OUT***
12) this is a robbery. you gotta put it all in the bag. and if you don't, they gooo.
13) shhh, he's sleeping. dont wanna wake him up, yknow? been a long day but it's all worth it for this one right here. [sigh] perfect. we did a good job didn't we? [panting and handshake motion]
14) doot doo doopa doo doo doo doodoo,, oh! jazz? yeah. [laughter] classic old funky fun. just like mama used to make. [grunt] you've never heard of jazz before? [laughter] well let me play you a little ditty. prepare,, to feel. [key pressing sounds, intermittent grunting, slightly sexual noises] was that good for you? [grunting continues]

Annus clips script:
1) you don't wanna be like this. this is disgusting. this is awful in every way. if i could kill it, i would, but i legally can't. but i'd consider it. [nod]
2) [scream] ah! good god! it's hideous. beautiful in an ugly way. but mostly hideous. [gasp]
3) now the main problem area is up here. all of this going on up here is what's causing me the most physical discomfort. like a visceral reaction of discontent coming from this area. this area is not good either-- i hate this-- but i'm mainly worried about this.
4) [punch] I win. every time. cause im the best. and so are you
5) oh look at all those pathetic unuses down there. ah that's so sad. im up here, my ivory tower. my bastion of strength. all of you pathetic people down there. it's sad, really. i would feel bad for you if i didn't feel so good being me
6) [goofy voise] haha, me unus. me like this. me like this kind thing. haha, me dumb unus. no culture. no culture. all this, no care. no thought, just this. me like, me like. hahahaha dumb unus.
7) [grunting] ah, this incredible weight. this enormous load. i can barely move it but i'm strong because im an Annus. [groaning] easy.
8) this is great. everything about this says EXACTLY what i am and who i am as a person. it's my defining trait. [sigh] it's beautiful. big, too. i don't know what im holdin'
9) whenever an annus is hungry, they reach for this. really quenches their thirst,,,, AND hunger. cause they're hungry. and im hungry for this. and maybe thirsty. it's not soup though.
10) whenever i need a quenching, refreshing beverage i reach for one of these. really evens out the cravings if you know what im talkin' about. [drinking motion followed by lip smacking] dee-licious. to the last drop. or morsel.
11) oh, wow. I've never been to one of THESE clubs before. [laughter, woah-ho-ho-ho]
12) This kind of person. pathetic! everything about this does not represent what an annus truly is about. you should be ashamed of who you are and what you've done. can't believe that im even within arm's reach of you. puh!
13) [sigh] man, i dont know if i should do this thing. what do you think, inner conscious? what? oh. i could. wow, that's.. ive never thought of that before. oh, but that is true. hm. im in a pickle. what would an annus do?
14) this right here is my favorite thing. ever. in the history of forever. i think about this every day. i think about this all night long. i stay awake not sleeping because im thinking about this.
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