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My name is Lisa, I am 22, and I live in a small house alone in Los Angeles.
I have one dog named Cooper, he is a St. Bernard. I work at a Vet clinic about 7 blocks down the street. I had a normal life...Until something happened. I woke up for work ate my breakfast, fed cooper and then I left for work. I got there and I had to operate on this Pitbull right away! The dog had gotten in a dog fight and a big chunk out of it's throat was missing. I had tried everything to stop the
bleeding and just couldn't. I had went into the waiting room and broke it to the owner. He had started yelling at me and threatening me saying, I didn't try hard enough. After that I had ate lunch then vaccinated a Yorkie a Chihuahua and a German Shepherd. I went home feeling...Watched. Anyway I ate dinner fed Cooper and watched a few movies then I fell asleep on the couch. Bang! I woke up and noticed Cooper was growling and barking at the ceiling. So I woke the next morning and everything was pitch dark. Then I heard some men mumbling, I was trying to understand what they were saying. All I heard was dog something I was freaking out I had no clue of where I was at. I fell asleep and then awoke and I was on a chair tied up. I saw a guy he was so familiar, I was trying to figure out who it was. It was the guy who threatened me because I couldn't help his dog! As he walked in with Cooper! I said please don't hurt him! I tried everything, I swear I did. Then he said my dogs dead because of you! Now yours should be too so you can feel my pain! I begged and pleaded! I said I will give you all my money. How did you know where I live? I waited and followed you. So that's why Copper was barking at the ceiling I thought in my head. He started cutting Coopers leg! I started to cry. I had realized my phone was still in my pocket, you'd think he would have checked me first. he went out of the room as Cooper was wining. I hurry and grabbed my phone out of my pocket turned it on silent, and called 911. They asked where I was at. I said I don't know just track me! He's coming hurry! The cops rushed in! They tackled the guy who cut my dog and arrested him. They got me out then I figured out this was his house I was in! I rushed Cooper to the clinic! I had stopped the bleeding then stitched it up. I had gone on with my job. And became really successful I had bought a 1 million dollar house. And I found my soulmate Derrek, we had 3 Kids Carrie, Sam and Terry. We lived the rest of our lives happily. :)
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