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might be dependant on lockdown situation, but id definitely bring up some of the things everybody is annoyed by eg. essential and non-essential stuff
personal problems that I may have been annoyed at but others won't have
maybe about school - moving around school, the gIoRgI incident, some rules just don't make any sense and are just stupid
really dig deep into an idea, and become really engrossed in it, bringing it up throughout the performance
packaging saving the environment the annoying layers, like wrapping a bag in its own bag. sanitising the same thing, sanitising the sanitiser, make like a sanitiser paradox. what came bfore, the sanitiser or the bottle?
people not obeying the rules our neighbours having a party mom and son??? weird but ok ill leave them to it
it just needs to be relatable
and maybe ask the audience for ideas, not about what I should do directly but ask about experiences
"Have you ever..." cause I have or something embarrassing for people to laugh at - the time you said thank you when you stepped on someones foot , also when you didnt get a saracstuc joke and ur standing there like:
maybe also a bit of miming ( not on its own - just aplied to loads of them, just the mask episode would be a good one.)
food, who doesn't love food. anything relatable can be home-cooked stuff ig or like talking about like buying store-bought stuff maybe things on reduction. the golden yellow sticker. stuff that we'd never buy, like the sugary cereal or like the really cheesy pizza. when you see that sticker, you know you're having something nice that night. i go up, and show, and then, it's 76p!!! lets buy it, just cos of the price tag!
needs to appeal to a lot of people not just ppl of one age group
wearing masks - ranting about the way oher prople wear them, and how some people arent wearing them still even though they've been told to. the guy who wasnt, police saw him. holding a cup of costa coffee, says cAn'T aFFoRd iT upon seeing the polcie quickly puts in coat.
guard shouted at some other guys from my school o sTaY tWo mEtErS aPaRt even though we practically hugging during school lol.
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