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Anestic- a drig that prevents pain during surgery.
Lord Charles Townshed- urged farmers to grow turnips which restored exhasted soil.
Jethro Tull- invented the seed drill, it deposited the seeds in rows instead of them being scattered wastefully in land.
eclosure- the process in which taking over or fencing off land shared with peasent farmers.
Thomas Newcomen- developed the steam engine which pumped water out of mines.
James Watt- improved on Newcomen's engine and his own engine became a key power source of the Industrial Revolution.
Abraham Darby- Semlt iron, seperate the iron from its ore.
1: Decribe how the Industrial Revolution changed daily life
The Industrial Revoluion changed the way people worked, traveld, acquired food, and organized their living space.
2:3 causes of the population of explosion in Europe
1- The Agricultural Revolution
2- Better hygiene and sanitation
3- Improved medical care

Steam- It became the key power source of the Industrial Revolution
Imporved Iron- became chepaer, better quality for constuction and especially better for building roads.

4- Imediate and Long term effects of the agricultural revoluion
Idmediate- increased crop yeilds, more efficiant farming, decreased a demand for farm labores.
Long term effects- included the population growth and migration.

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