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Chapter 1: Hide and seek
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We we're all cheering, running, playing, I was with my friends, we played tag around the village, while the parents chatted, and some such as my mother were cooking or washing clothes, some adults tried to light a fire in their fireplace with the door wide open for anyone to see, I ran past some houses as my friend chased after me. This village was poor, yes, but we all loved it here, this was the best place ever, I couldn't wish for more. I ran past a house and waved hello at a young lady who I quite recognized. Here in the village we all knew each other, and we talked, and we all got along, all the kids were friends, so were the adults, no one fought, no one ever wanted to, it was lovely here, like a paradise, it was so calm, always so cheerful... or I thought so. It never gets old, every week the king would come by, people loved him, some kids wished to be like him, but that's only because they didn't see the true colors. They were blind, he was horrible, he always came by every village, they'd have to pay him, like rent, for settling here. The problem was Mr. Arel didn't have enough... he took care of this place, so much, he provided us with food, he was the one that had the idea of starting farming in the village, he was able to provide the materials needed for it, but he could never pay up...

Page 2: the king got irritated often, he came every month, but he never expected more than a simple "sorry" and something like "we don't have enough", as soon as the king stepped up right between the two guards who looked ready to fight off any threat, me and all my friends stopped. Some o the kids ran back to their parents, my siblings were terrified, we heard great stories about the king, but we were always inside when he came around we never actually saw him in person. "So?" he just stood there, Mr. Arel looked mortified, no words came out, he didn't want to have to say anything, he looked down and just responded with "Well... you see.... the money, I-" but he couldn't finish, the king's next move was probably what made me jump a little. I was terrified, he screamed at poor Mr. Arel who did nothing wrong but try to do his best helping this village. I made a stupid move, I ran up and stood between the two and yelled "STOP!", the king looked at me, he just laughed sarcastically and then looked at me with a frown, "Think you're tough don't you? What's your name kid?" I trembled in fear, as he stood in front of me, I looked back and my mother shook her head frightened, I could see me sister hiding behind her, and my brother was clinging onto my aunt who looked completely mortified, then I looked back at the kind and responded "Stanley... Stanley Willows..." my voice trailed off. Then he laughed and said "You're going to wish you never did that..." and then he left, Mr. Arel looked scared, not scared of the king but scared for me, and the village, my mother ran to me as did my father, my sister trailed after them slowly walking along with my brother. "Sweetie... why?..." she started crying as she hugged me, my father frowned, I looked back at the village, my friends were shocked, some adults were frowning, and most were hugging someone whether it was family or friends. "You should have NEVER done that! You put everyone in danger!" My father yelled at me, I could feel something go through my face, tears, tears fell to the ground, my tears, and my mothers', my sister was hugging my brother and my father was too busy lecturing me to notice the fear in my eyes.

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The king came back
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