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To Ansell Castillo,
Wherever he read this letter.

As a proper introduction, my name is Caleb. That's what everyone calls me. As you probably already know, I'm the oldest of this family, and I think it is appropriate to properly send a greeting. I heard the news, and many of them concern your attempt to get closer to our youngest, Cassandra. I have no murderous intention like Rexton, as I quote, "I will prick his eyes with my wand if he hurt Amy."

Albeit the good news and the bad news concerning you and the history following you and Cassandra, I would express my concern, especially her well-being. I think we can agree on this term, Cassandra's happiness is the priority. Thus, I would also tell you that whatever happens in your relationship, later on, will be the responsibility of both of you. I would emphasize the word BOTH here. You can take this as advice, from man to man: Make your girl the luckiest girl alive to be with you. Another old man named Erick S. Gray once said, "Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you smile at her, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!"

But as your experience might teach you, Cassandra is not someone that gives you tons of shit. After the long heartbreak, you cause once; I am sure no shits were given on your name. Yes, she was protecting you from our wrath. I was strongly offended, not to mention other siblings, but we remain silent for her sake. We trust Cassandra in this once, and we will trust her again, with some precautions. We conclude that her relationship is her responsibility. She has her thoughts and consideration that we don't intend to judge since we love our sister despite your reputation or history.

We offer you a peace welcome, and please do not take her trust for granted. Like Rexton probably mention before: we give you the benefit of the doubt. Hence, this letter is my attempt to reach out to you. We might not meet in person since I have no intention to return soon enough. But we can keep acquaintance at @vouxnihili.

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Regards; Team

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