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- is capitalism a priori unethical? Is there a structural quality that makes it fundamentally underpinned by an unethical transaction?
- we can engage with some laissez-faire advocates about the ethics of capitalism, how private property as a coherent ethical framework
- Can capitalism be supplemented by more human values?

- Is beauty subjective, intersubjective, or objective? What follows from each? if its objective, how do we ground our definition of objective beauty? If it's subjective, then what do we lose?
- The role of the artist in society -- the utility or non-utility of art


Rights Malthus
- There is a pretty substantial lit base from which to draw from, but that goes both ways -- there is a lot of negative research about how great China's environmental authoritarianism is and how procedures of democratic legitimation undermine climate policy, but there is also a pretty substantial affirmative base about how environmental authoritarianism fails and how participatory democracy is key for climate policy --- there's neg lit to counter both those positions as well.
- I compiled a list of

- No forensics specific links -- not sure if those exist
- some of the link infrastructure we have is a little lacking -- against DP, half of our stuff is just an LWOP turn, which any DP team should have extensive answers since it's pretty much what they go up against every round -- I think we need more links and more links that aren't just solvency defense, but that the aff trades-off with abolitionist praxis.
- Just in general, we could do some work in compiling extra link evidence
- I know that abolition is made for more soft-left affs that can be out-lefted by the K, but my question is if we could make a RC argument to undermine a big-stick aff.
- FW on abolition --

- the whole idea that there is a first step -- there is no first step to abolition; abolition requires an unconditional demand for abolition; we get caught in endless small reforms and never do abolition
- Aff
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