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intro- hey guys and welcome to my youtube channel my name is cody whats yours? for my first video i decided to just make a pretty typical vlog just documenting what a regular week for me looks like. i do have a ton of ideas for new videos so watch out for those but until then i hope you enjoy the video!

so here i am walking to class late as always thats why i didnt film myself getting ready which i dont believe youll see in this video because like i said i get up super late and i dont think id have time to film all that but oh well. that was me in the bathroom i use the nurses bathroom because well yknow but aside from having to walk down to the nurses office whenever i have to pee its definately better than a stall. so here i am in science its my favorite class im not sure why i suck at it but oh well. even tho i am falling asleep in this class. stairs stairs stairs bleh. bathroom again because i drink a lot of water (drink ur water kids) and now im waiting for my friend to pick me up which i dont mind because it gives me time to ponder lifes important questions like is the earth really flat? do my parents love me? am i a disapointment stuff like that. anyways yay im finally home it is a beautiful autumn day but i shall be inside scrolling thru my phone, eating chips, and playing minecraft.

Tuesday yay since my school has a really weird schedule at the moment on account of covid a tuesday is like a friday for me at least in terms of having to leave my house to go to hell- i mean school. hope i didnt just doxx myself there even tho im pretty sure nobody cares enough to find out where i live but hey go kangaroos! i waited particularly long for my friend this day cuz he had work but no mind i had fun pouring tea on an ant and looking at myself in the viewfinder wondering if i looked like an angry lesbian. oh hey theres the idk what to call her uhh home ec? teacher she traps plates out the school to other teachers anything for a bag girl im not judging i drew with some chalk on my driveway with my friend who will be making multiple apearances in this video hey taylor. fun fact i hate the texture of chalk so i wear gloves. oh yay time for adult stuff so fun anyways most of my diet is sugar drinks, chips, and charcuterie. quite frankly im suprised ive made it this far with a diet like that. heres me unable to decide between fancy people cheeses but eventually i settled on brie (the young kind) mozarella and some weird cheese with holes in it idk. the brie tasted like basement so not great but hey i feel fancy, i wanted to smell the mushrrom.ugh aloe vera juice/water whatever tastes so good but i cant get past the texture, what do you guys think of it? oh man i am being so concious of my surroundings touching everything cuz TEXTURE cmon cody do better. i like to make my own tomato sauce because im boujie like that so. see i told you this is literally my diet. type two diabetes her i come yes i paid for my things i know crazy right. when i got home i was feeling pretty bleh so i decided facemask time woop woop.

its a new day and after all my zoom calls my friend taylor and i went on a hike we saw this badass bridge and of course we took plenty of pictures and along with a sigil i actually saw one of my exes. it was a fling but hes a sweet guy. oliver if youre watching this im sorry i ghosted you. luckily he didnt recognize me because when he knew me i was a girl so praise jesus even tho oliver is jewish. so after hanging out on the bridge we went down to the water that reminded me of river rapids and if youre wondering no we didnt go in the water because neither of us wanted hypothermia or to get swept away by the current. i found a clam i know typical new englander right here and i pryed it open admittedly very slow cuz i was worried that something would jump out and scratch me or something idk anyways i ripped the clam to shreds because i thought hey wild clam maybe it has a pearl in it which sadly it did not but i cleaned up the shell and did end up taking the schell because it was still pretty and iridescent. after climbing over rocks as far out in the water as we could we got hungry and decided to head over to canton since we were pretty close already. shoutout canton one of my closest friends live there hi amanda love you. we went to this place called flatbread pizza? something along those lines but it was damn good the ambience was dope jeez i sound like some kind of restarunt critic oh well bottom line if you have any idea of what im talking about go there!! they had little planets hanging from the ceiling and a fire where they cooked the pizzas it was awesome. finally we watched this sort of mocumentary type film called dick johnson is dead i really liked it it was humorous yet self aware it was good but bare in mind if you are sensitive to the subject of dementia or losing family members anything like that then you may wanna take a step back tho its not too grafic in terms of that but i will admit i teared up a few times

anyways after this stuff happened but thats life i got super sad went to the hospital but im okay and i got to go home before the weekend ended and before you ask no i did not have covid just mental illness but hey look at the pretty colors in my room

so anyways guys that was roughly a week in my life even tho i had a slip up in the end i still think the whole thing was solid
lemme know what you guys think in the comments i hope you have a good day and a goodnight; bye
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