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but we can come pretty close all righti hope i don't get my direct responsehistory wrong i probably willi'm pretty sure it was robert collierwho was a copywriter back a zillionyears ago

anything over two weeks now a zillionyears ago by the way and umhe had he said something in one of hisbooks that like

the main thing about writing a reallygood copy and about

marketing in general and gettingcustomers is to enter the conversationin the prospect's mind right and i thinkit was a brilliant thing to saybecause if we know what they're thinkingabout

then we can like address it directly andthen we

address what's on somebody's mind youget their attention and kind of get apretty quick

bond going there you know oh by the wayand the if you want to go deeper on whatwe're talking about today go

don't put the www in there thoughbecause i've screwed up the domainforwarder

so if you go there it'll take you to along url

on my main website but um i've createdan on-demand class that takes a deeperdive into what we're talking abouttoday but let's get back to it oh and ifsomeone would type that in the commentsfor me i'd appreciate it

all right so this whole notion ofreading our prospect's mindsounds dumb um it is

probably impossible from a psychictelepathic point of view that's notreally my field of expertisehowever here's what we do knowall right and so the the concept hereis that if we know exactly what peoplewant and what they're thinking about andwe make everything about

that then we will stand out from thenoise

and the noise being traditionalmarketing which is all about bigpromises

okay so here's the thing 21 years i'vebeen doing this stuff

by the way october of 2020 marked my21st

year of doing this and um i lostcountess 81 000 or 84

000 paying customers i've had just sincelike 2012

or something i've looked at my most myoldest shopping cart that i still haveaccess to so these are paying customersand they've all wanted the same thingwhich is to get

more customers consistently online youknow using ads and

marketing etc and what i'm sharing withyou really is the distillationof working with all of those folks forall this time and it's really been funbut i can't really take any creditfor it you know i think it's just theexperience

and continually trying and trying andtrying that's led me to what i'm sharingwith you now

so here's what i have learned along withmy customers and clients

as a result of a gazillion hours of youknow obsessively thinking about thisstuff thing number one is thatevery person makes a buying decisionin the same way so it's meyou our neighbor your customersmy customers doesn't matter what thebusiness is

all right every human has abuying pattern and i call this theuniversal buying process and it's amade-up term that i made up it soundscool

um but i think it really is veryaccurate and it goes like thisall right so someone you knowwe're we're bopping along or whateverand then

before we know it something happens andwe get interested

in something right and so that's thefirst phase of the buying processis we get interested something grabs ourattention like huh

okay and then we

build desire for it all right and so aswe

learn more about the thing whatever itis

our desire builds and then finally itbuilds to the point

that we buy so it's a three-step processthis interest desire buy that's itright that's the whole process doesn'tmatter right it could be a restaurantyou know we could see something in a tvcommercial we'd smell a hamburger orwhatever like man i'm interested ineating

you know and then you go to therestaurant and you check out their menuor whatever and you're reading the menulike man those pictures look pretty goodand the smell is pretty good that buildsup your desire and then

you grab a seat and you eat and thatrhyme how about that i did that onpurpose

not really all right so that's like asuper simple example

same thing happens online you know sowe could be just scrolling around youknow on facebook or whateverand then uh you see a picture ofsomething or a video or whatever thatsparks your interest

then you go to the website for the thingthe website gives you more informationand that as you learn more about it andyou check it out and you think about itmore and more

your levels of desire go up and then youbuy right and so it doesn't matterlike we're thinking about a house youknow i mean it convenientlylike oh man that house is pretty coollooking you get interested in the houseyou call a realtor

realtor tells you all about the schooldistrict shows you the house your desirebills you sign a contract on the housedoesn't matter i'm the same you're thesame everybody's the same

so if we know that right then doesn'tmake sense to create our

messaging to follow that

universal buying process so here's whatwe do in traditional marketingwhich is we go we really bypass interestall together

we like we go like a fraction of asecond of interest straight in to buyright and that's what traditionalmarketing is even in direct responseit's just like we want to get tothe sale as soon as we as soon as theonly possible you know andas we observe the landscape and and allof this kind of stuff

we start to feel like we have to makebigger and bigger claims and be louderlouder and louder just to stand out andget more outrageous

or we try to blend in with everybodyelse which makes us invisibleright and so we're skipping the desirepart

and we're not letting that human naturetake its course

you know so the question is this righthow do you

get somebody to go through all threephases

how do you get interest how do you builddesire and then how do you lead thatindividual to a purchase and the firstthing you gotta understandis that some purchases are gonna have alonger time period betweeninterest and buy right like that desiretime period might be long

if we're thinking about i don't know youknow a new car for something it's prettyrare that you just wake up you're like ithink i'll go buy a new caryou know usually you get interested init you do a little research you testdrive it you think about it you go tothe configurator online

seven million times i've been doing thatwith the new ford bronco

cannot wait for the new ford bronco bythe way just random redneck trivia butyou know that's a

longer desire period and some stuff isimpulsive like a restaurantor a small purchase of a little infoproduct like a book or whateverby the way if you want a deeper dive onthis again go to learnwithkern.comjust rhyming today you know don't putthe www

in there because it won't work you justtype

into the browser and it should redirectyou to this really long

web address on my main website andthere's an on-demand class there thatyou can take that really takes youdeeper in everything we're talking aboutall right so anyway we know thisuniversal buying process

process exists right so now the answeror the question becomes how do we movepeople through it okay so

number one is we got to get themessaging right all right andthis is critical and when when we'redealing with

like internet people or whatever in mycompany and

you know again 21 years the umthe uh uh i'm blanking

the focus the focus here

is um

there we go all right i'm reading thecomment sorry a little add todaythe focus gets on uh tactics you know sopeople are like dude

how do i make this how do i make a webpage and all this kind of stuff and howdo i make this type of funnel or thistype of process

or yada yada yada all of that issecondary to the message

all right the message is what's going toa get interest is what's going to bebuild desire and

c is what's going to make the sale ifyou got the right messagingthe tactical stuff doesn't really matterso here's the thing

the messaging should be in the form ofstory

all right it's not marketingstory okay no marketing

story however not the type of stories wethink

all right so usually when you hearsomeone say that you're like oh dude allright now i gotta tell all these storiesand

you know people either think a i have tomake up stuff

or b i have to tell stories about me andabout my product and neither one ofthose have

any uh bearing on our customer andthat's the only person that matters inthis equation

right is the customer so the storyonly has three ingredients all right itonly ever needs to be about three thingshere they are what your prospect wantshow your prospect gets it and what lifewill be

like after they get it and you know whyit all ties back into the concept ofbeing a mind reader which again isridiculous but it's pretty good clickbait you know

but it all ties back into this conceptof reading your prospects planbecause that's all they're thinkingabout anyway

so if somebody wants something andthey've got that interest and nowthey're

thinking about what's on their mind allright they're thinking abouthere's what i want you know like we'veall been there about somethingright like for me it's that thing broncoi really

want to do it for a promise killing meall right it's not out yetgoing to the configurator all the timeand they're like how am i going to getthis thing and so they're all they'reeither thinking about what they wantthey're thinking about how they're goingto get it

or they're imagining what life is goingto be

like after they get it so

there needs to be a story that matcheseach of those three things and each ofthose three things incidentallymatch the three stages of the universalbuying process

right when you tell a story about whatthe person wants

not about you not about your productyou just bring into sharp focus whatthat person wants

you get interest all right when you tella story

about how they get it not a fictitiousstory

not a like a dramatic story about howyou know you were born in ai don't know cardboard box under abridge and now you have a

what's a joke i like to say agold-plated flying lamborghini like noneof that's

necessary but when you tell a storyabout how they get what you want or whatthey want

you're building desire okay so itdoesn't feel like

marketing it's just feels like oh man imean i'm captivated by thisand i'm becoming more and moreinterested in the thing that iyou know just got interested in as aresult of the first story right and thenfinally

when you want to get a sale you tell astory

about what happens next remember there'sonly three ingredients to any storyfor customer getting what they want howthey get it what life is likei call it what happens next what life islike after they get it so when you wantto

turn on the sales side of thingsyou tell a story called a transformationstory which is about what life is likeafter you get the thing that you want soeach of these story types actuallymatches every single phaseof the universal buying process and alsomirrors and talks to what your prospectis

already thinking about and when you dothis

it seems to work pretty good so ifyou would like to take a deeper dive onit again go to learnwithkern.comhopefully the dang web page worksi set up a redirect and godaddy to someextremely long

weird web address on my main home pageso hopefully that's propagatedand if you would type in the commentslearn with kern i would appreciate itbut i hope you found this helpful and uhmarketing man

stories not stories about us not storiesabout our products stories about threethings three things only what ourcustomer wants

how our customer gets it what their lifewill be like

after they get it that's the answer it'snot marketing

it's stories y'all take it easy and goto

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