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What I am about to tell you will probably shock you. As you know Ralph and Gayle dated each other since Junior High School. They were together most of the time, but did split up a few times. One of these times they were split up for almost a year, this was in 1958, and both dated other people.

Who they each dated at this time is really not important, what is important is Ralph dated a girl from Renick, her name is Barb. In September of 1958 she got pregnant. In defense of Ralph he was unaware of this because at the time Barb found out she was pregnant they had split up and Ralph and Gayle had got back together.

On June 23, 1959 Barb gave birth to a baby girl. Her name is Tracy, she is married and lives in Moberly. She has one child from her first marriage, a boy by the name of Scotty Bonham. She is now married to Bruce Renfro.

Your Uncle Don and I first found out about Tracy on the night of Ralph’s funeral in Moberly at CC’s. Barb had called the restaurant when she read about Ralph’s death in the Moberly paper. She knew Ralph and Cleet was best friends and she was wanting to know how he had died and to find out anything she could about the Gillispie family medical history. I told Connie if she called back to give her my number and I would talk with her and answer any questions I could.

I am telling you this to let you know you have a half sister who would very much like to get to know you if you are open to this. Something I would like to stress to you is that she wants NOTHING , other than the chance to get to know her brother and sister and her fathers side of the family.

She has seen and visited with Ralph several times through the years when Ralph would come to Moberly alone. They would meet for dinner at different times and for drinks.

I can tell you if you choose to meet her with an open mind you will see several of the Brower expressions and features. I have met her several times over the last few years and Uncle Don has met her a couple of times and we both agree that there is no doubt she is Ralph’s daughter. She is a very kind and sweet lady and when she laughs hard she looks just like mom when mom would laugh hard.

Understand she has nothing to gain by bringing this secret out at this time other than her emotional stability and being a part of our family. Cleet told me Ralph had pointed her out several years ago and told him she was his daughter.

We were not sure if Gayle knew about Tracy, so that is why we have not said anything. We figured if she did not know then there was no reason to tell her because all it would do is hurt her and she has been hurt enough with Ralph’s death.

Ralph for some reason decided to keep this a secret from the family, we are not sure why and at this point I guess it really doesn’t make any difference. I truthfully think it is a shame and sad that Tracy has missed out on being a part of our family and the love and good times we have had over the years.

I am writing this so you will have something to refer back to, and after thinking about it, if you want to meet her, which I hope and PRAY you do, then all you have to do is let me know and I would love to set up a meeting.

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