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Shashwat Yadav2:00 PM
For the textual evidence, do we just put the first four words in the quote?
Hunarmeet Gill2:06 PM
For my theme, is it okay if I put "Dreams are the opposite of reality."
Oluwanifemi Maiorano2:07 PM
can I use this as my theme,"Fear can be one of the main factors to the end of possible dreams."

Neya Murugesan2:07 PM
For my theme, could I do Dreams can be well thought out, though the reality of society makes it near impossible to accomplish easily.

Madison Morant2:08 PM
Isolation causes one to view life in a distorted way and changes the way others see them.

Jiya Anand2:09 PM
Dreams often remain fantasies as unfortunate circumstance hinder individuals from prospering.
Madison Morant2:10 PM
scratch the first theme i wrote
i'm changing it completeley
Hunarmeet Gill2:11 PM
The only thing stopping oneself from fulfilling their dream is mere reality.
Everlast Chigoba2:11 PM
There are no limits to one’s dreams and imagination, but reality can make them near impossible to reach.

Ryon Miro2:11 PM
Big dreams lead to false hope, which can eventually cause one's downfall.
Hunarmeet Gill2:12 PM
Can we mix the theme words
like could i do a theme that includes a combination of fear and dreams?
Kimberley Bouchey2:13 PM
Everyone has dreams but reality often strikes them down.
Nadira McFadden2:13 PM
Fear can be caused by unsureness or the exposure to change.
James Washington2:15 PM
Fear will crush one’s resolve to achieve their dream.
Hunarmeet Gill2:15 PM
"Dreams are sparked by the fear of reality"?
Terrance Williams2:15 PM
No matter what a person may say or, one should never abandon their hopes and dreams.

Abigail Dubberly2:16 PM
One’s fear of failure, lack of acceptance, or letting others down can lead him or her to lose sight of what is important and hurt others or themselves.
Shashwat Yadav2:16 PM
Isolation of one leads to a change in one’s personality and the way society looks upon him.
Lillian Amick2:16 PM
The effects of loneliness are difficult for those with different circumstances to recognize.
Logan Kelly2:17 PM
Fear is an obstacle, it blocks the mind of mental stability
Shashwat Yadav2:17 PM
Ok, thx
Isaiah Grant2:18 PM
ms bouchey i want to focus on dreams but i cant find a good opening sentence
Terrance Williams2:19 PM
Hopes and dreams aren’t always achieved in one’s lifetime
Shrihan Ganesh Babu2:19 PM
Fear can be caused by new environments, changes, and loneliness.
Lillian Amick2:20 PM
I know what im trying to say, but I dont know how to put it into words
Neya Murugesan2:21 PM
Would this be an okay thesis? The dream of moving to a farm is nice and thoughtful to Lennie and George, but due to the many issues faced, the dream never be lived.

William Horman2:21 PM
Infeasible dreams can warp one's perception of society.
Joseph Ravindran2:22 PM
Loneliness in one's life can infringe on a person's will to carry out their goal.
Kimberley Bouchey2:22 PM
while people's circumstances may be different, everyone experiences loneliness
Madison Morant2:23 PM
In the novel Of Mice and Men, the author, Steinbeck, reveals that isolation causes people to view life in a distorted way and changes the way others see them.

Shrihan Ganesh Babu2:23 PM
Do we need to turn this in today?
Shashwat Yadav2:24 PM
Is this thesis okay? "In the novel “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck, isolation is represented through many of the characters and portrays a change in their personality and actions."
Kartik Valluri2:24 PM
Theme: Failure to live in the present moment due to relying on nonexistent sources of comfort results in being trapped in dire situations.
Isaiah Grant2:24 PM
is this a good thematic statement, the allure of a dream can divert ones mind from reality?
Kartik Valluri2:26 PM
Theme: Failure to live in the present moment due to relying on nonexistent sources of comfort results in being trapped in dire situations.
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