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5 Cool Camping Gadgets You Never Thought You Want #20
What'S up guys got that here, full stream fire about four years ago? I think i have put to the test one of these and they have they burned it and seems like they designed it a little bit for the most part same thing. But as i remember it's a little bit smaller now so a little bit more efficient, you can fit way more to go hiking with you. I don't know, maybe it's the same size but to me first impressions is the same. There is a green wire and a red wire, pretty cool, simple instructions, but i already know how to use it. So let me show you how to do it, build yourself, a little fire and have some extra standby before you load it up even more grab. One of these green wires and put it over one of the logs or even better put it over a couple of them. Then what we're going to do is grab this stain, it's about a foot or so and we're just gon na pull on. Let'S see what happens wow, you kind of just pull on it hard. It look like started out like a smok little smug gun smoke grenade and then it's burning too so well, it looks like a flare stayed up. It started out to be burning, like a flare. Have a really really red core to it, and obviously next what you can do is just reposition it and load it up with sticks and it's going to burn really well and you'll have no problem starting a fire even with the bigger sticks like that. Look, it's still super super red on the inside of that little fire starter. Okay, look! This is a really thick log. Don'T have to worry about small twigs. This one is perfect right here too, but if you start in fire with matches, you need to have some kind of a smaller twigs. Well without pulsing fire starter, you don't need anything, just stack it up, don't have to know how to start a fire stack up. All the firewood and pull on it and it's going to get the fire going pretty easily very nice. I really like new logo for sure. What do you guys think after a couple of minutes, you can see the pulse 105 starters still burning, but at this point all the sticks and firewood are burning as well, even though they're really really big obviously make sure this sun will dry. But if you look on the inside over there, the pulston fire starter going over the stone and just like that within five minutes, you got a really good fire going pretty awesome one more time, i'm more set it up without the sticks, so you guys can see. What'S happening and how it's burning um, you can even put it too, like that: okay, okay, you see how far it can be. [ Applause ], you kind of just joke it a little bit and it's gon na burn. So well and again, reliability is pretty good. Just like a flare from the inside out there's plenty of one of those fire starter inside of the tools, one of the bigger fire starters. You got okay. Now it's burning off the paper. We can actually see what's happening, it's some kind of substance and looks like a bar that is going to burn for quite some times. It'S already been burning for a while, so yeah no problem starting a fire got another instant, inflate, pull whatever float your thing, but this one is a round one. So let outsideinaspen show you what i'm talking about those things that made out of plastic usually break up within a year or two, they don't last, so this one is kind of made out of this kind of material. That is not plastic, it feels like. I don't know like a raincoat, so let's start to fill it up. Also, you don't have to be annoyed. Filling it up. Slowly, i know did i do it doesn't seems like it. Maybe i should open it a bit more okay, okay and then we just spin. It up, ah, i don't think we did it. I mean it's nice, but there's a lot of gift to it. If it was breezy, it would be helping me right now, but because it's a no breeze at all, it is a lot harder to fill these things up, but once you get that technique going you're going to be really good at it. Ah, let it go okay. This one is, was good, look at the bubble at end. That'S what you want to do. Get a technique going and you'll have super super tight floaty boom plug it in at the end, it's going to look like this. You have a little net over here. So it's definitely one of a kind floaty. This is amazing, my pool under renovation, pretty much taking off everything, rebuilding it from scratch and guess what i would have put it to the test and i love it. I probably will be using it. It seems to be will be comfortable every time i'm buying one of those circle floaties, it's so hard to get in on them, and then you cannot do anything because you kind of stuck on top of them and you just can't even swim with this one simsek Will be a lot more relaxing you lay down here, and you have a big big peel on the back right here, so i cannot wait to put to the test. Maybe i'll bring them back. Insulate pull noodles like that and we'll put them to the test again. This one and one i just put to the test earlier so hopefully it actually works and once you're done look how easy it is to just fold it up and just don't even have to sit on the bugs are eating me up and fold it up and Then you want to do it like this way and fold it in boom. How cool is that? Stick it back into your baggie for the next time. So that way, you don't know where to put your pool floaters in the winter time. No problem got another solar stove by ghosan, but this one something cooler, solar, plus electric hybrid oven. How cool is that? So? Hopefully it can charge up itself boom well package, got it on amazon, it's hot today, so i doubt we'll have any problems actually using. It looks like the electric part of it will go in the car now, let's look at this close-up looks like we open this up. Two of these things, wow look at that and we can adjust it no way. Any way you want to. This is amazing, and the coolest part is: is it too close? This is the pieces right here. This is what the cooking part makes you unfold it all the way. This is the cooking part over here. You can cook any of that good stuff, wow and looks like this is the electric heater right on over here. Okay, today, super hot obvious electric will work, but let me show you this angle, very beautiful. Let'S open it up all the way before that plastic will melt into it and then we're going to cook some hot dogs inside of it. Let'S see how well it's going to do it it's around two o'clock right now, so sun is very hot. Maybe i'll put it to the test in the winter time, because i saw the videos they keep advertising it to me on facebook that it can cold in very, very cold temperature as long if it's sunny and stuff okay, let's start to boil hot dogs, something very Very simple: anybody could do it right open this up, fill it up with water, as you can see, that's a big big canister or whatever you want to call it enclosure and it's going to hold up a lot of water. I love it. This is the bigger biggest solar stove. I own, okay there'll be enough, and then i'm gon na line it up with the sun and leave it here. For i don't know, like 30 40 minutes first, we will have to preheat, obviously, but it's hot dogs. So just stick them all in here. You cannot overcook hot dogs that much anyways we'll see. Okay, close that and we'll pop it in line it up with the sun, but you got ta. Remember, sun will turn a little bit and also you'll have to adjust it right on the sun. So that way, it's pointing it right on the sun. You know it's amazing. This side here tells you exactly how to adjust it. You see, there's a sun dot, so you want to make sure it's proper way. You see it's off right now. You want to set it up to where it touches the red dot and it does right now so perfect and it says you only adjust it once. An hour or something like that, okay, 30 minutes later doesn't see a lot of steam, but it is kind of hot. Let'S feel it. Oh, i think the metal, ah, the metal, is very hot over here. That'S what i burned myself on it's, because we have a lot of water in there. It'S starting to boil a little bit. It'S not going to steam a lot because it's like 95 degrees out here, maybe less, but it's pretty hot. Okay, it's still good! Okay! It'S been another 30 minutes. Oh yeah, look at that they got really really thick. Let'S flip them over cook them a little bit more. This water is absolutely boiling hot. Almost i it's not physically boiling right now, plus it's distilled water, so i don't think it would boil anyways, but you can see the hot dogs they like double in size. They obviously cooked right now, it's too hot to even break it. For me, look at that! That'S a boiled hotdog for sure amazing. This stuff is very, very good. You can obviously boil a lot of water into here or make it really hot and cook all sorts of stuff. From this thing, once you're done fold it all up and look how easy it is to carry it from both sides. Nice. I got right here, rinse kit, let's see what this thing is, all about seems like it's been used or something i bought it on amazon anyways check out this advertisement right here. The power is insane right here too, so it doesn't really have that much power. Let'S find out okay put the spigot in easy, looks like the only way to plug it in is this way uh. Do you plug in all the way there you go and there's on and off? Okay, let's turn it on and it's filling up. I wonder how do we tell whenever it's full all the way? I guess it's expands in there or something. This is how you use that key over there to open and dump out all the extra water that you don't want, but we're gon na give some pressure a little bit more. Okay, it's filled up now. All i have to do is turn this off turn this off boom. I like this easy release on and off attachment over here and let's go try to put it to the test, doesn't seem like a lot of water in here, because it's lightweight but okay, we need to turn it on. Okay, it's definitely pressurized. Oh wow! That'S insane! Look at that it should solve so far. That'S incredible! Okay, miss whoa! The mist is awesome. That is powerful, shower no way look at that shower. He probably had the shallow settings. That is a heavy heavy run of shower jet. Look at that. It should surf right at the dog. Almost that is so cool flat flood is, is pretty nice and central quite far as well, beautiful. Okay, i think this side here is my favorite. What is it shower? It is so far it should so very, very nice, powerful. Let'S see the runtime obviously already landed for a little bit. You know what the problem with this thing you kind of have to take a shower pretty quickly because it seems like already running out of water. So all so it's nice, but i feel like it's very, very limited capacity of water and the only way to refill it. You have to refill it with the spigot. So that's a huge minus the shower. I just put to the test: it's like a little bag and you just pump it with your foot and it gives you high pressure. This is way more high pressure, but look how fast we're running out of water - and you know what it didn't feel like. It was heavy now it's completely completely gone, no more water in there. It'S super light, so very nice technology. I bet there's some kind of bag expense and pushing out the water. That'S how it works. Probably, but again, i need way more water than this to rinse. It off maybe it's nice for the feet and then soft couple of your boards, but i don't know about taking a shower but yeah. This is what called rinse kit drinks off all the stuff from this end. But you know what the shower i put to the test recently, in my opinion, holds way more water. You can refill it anywhere in the lake and easy to use so and whenever you park it away, it's a lot smaller than this. So probably we stick with the other shower than this, but they're not hiding. It fills in 30 seconds a space for only four minutes, so it's kind of cool, but no, i feel like i need bigger capacity, got inflatable life jacket right now. I would put it to the test inside of a swimming pool, but my swimming pool go into some renovations, so we're just gon na do dry test. We got that here, 16 grams, co2 tank - and this you put it on your belt, just in case you're going kayaking white or water rafting. This is would be nice, so it's a usable. Obviously it will unfold this way, so it will be like a little pillow. Oh nice, that's what it's gon na go into cool, very easy. I kind of like it very tight. Also, you can open this and blow air inside here and it tells you how to fold it wow. This is kind of nice, one, two, three wow! This is easy and four like that. That was it. Then we pulled this out and it says: stop make sure you put this to this side which side, though i don't know, probably on that side, once you activate it, you'll have to buy more co2 tanks to use it again. Okay, then you want to put it over. You can put it wherever. I don't know the back the front, whatever more comfortable for you, probably in the front and let's try it. There goes nothing i'm gon na inflate, the pillow and dry. Usually you would be in the water just grab it like that joke to inflate. It says joke to inflate out here. Okay, there goes nothing! Oh nice and oh, this is cold right here, freezing cold and then you got ta is here a liar peeler that is gon na come up. You wan na make sure that you tie this up all the way. So it doesn't fly float off. It kind of didn't inflate all the way kind of loose, so that way you can open it up also and fill it up some more so that way, whenever you fall like maybe under the wave stumbling around, you can inflate it quickly and then use this to Fill up even more and as you can see, it's not always in air, so you have a nice flotation device with a stop right here and a stop over your back too, very cool. And how do we release the air? Oh, i think you use this cup on the other side and just hold it like that. That'S it just remember from the experience i have had few of those before and once again to put it away one two i'm gon na release. It all the way three and four, and once again you put everything away the stop and everything it's kind of nice. I liked it. It filled it up pretty good and easy to feel it too. We go ocean fishing all the time and we usually don't wear a life jacket because we are adults. I think it's pretty cool invention if you're going into kayak - and there is no life jacket required, but you want to substitute it with that anyways bring it with you in case you get hurt and you cannot swim. You can pull it up and have it, but it doesn't take up a lot of space. Maybe you stand bored in one of those you can bring it with you as well, just a cool, unique gadget. Let me know in comments below what do you think

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