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For Helpful Hints About Wordpress, This Is The Top Article
WordPress has grown to become the most popular blogging site on the Internet. With so many users, and so many capabilities, it is no surprise that the website is doing so well. Keep reading to learn a little more about the website and how to use it. You will be glad you did!

Make sure you have a unique template for your WordPress blog. It is tempting to try doing this to save time, but users won't think much of it. Creating a site that showcases the uniqueness of your business is critical.

Use the "ABC" button to spell check your posts before they go live. website speed optimization overlook this ability, but Wordpress can spell check your work for you. website caching ensures that you continue to give off a professional look with your posts and yet you don't have to use a separate program to do so.

Make sure that your wordpress site loads as fast as possible for your visitors. This is vital, as a site that crashes or takes too long will discourage your users from visiting it. A fast site will put your users in a good mood when they come there on a daily basis.

Wordpress has many keyboard shortcuts which make working with posts a snap. For example, ctrl-c allows you to copy text, while ctrl-x lets you cut it. Ctrl-v will paste it somewhere else. Ctrl-b is bold, ctrl-i is italic and ctrl-u is underline. These basic keyboard shortcuts will save you a lot of time if you memorize them.

Always use the newest version of WordPress. Updates contain security patches that eliminate vulnerabilities. Malware is often able to infiltrate WordPress sites that do not have the latest updates. That is why it is important to install updates as soon as they come out.

Does your Wordpress dashboard look like a cluttered mess? Want to clean it up? Use the Screen Options link on that page to choose which boxes you want to appear and remove those which aren't helpful to you. This will ensure that your dashboard experience is streamlined in the future.

When you upload images into the media gallery, try to keep the image file sizes down. Large image files take much longer to upload. When you use an image like that in your website, it will delay the load time of your page. This may discourage your visitors to stay and browse.

Did you spend a lot of time making changes to your blog, only to check it out and see none of the changes took effect? Do not fret, you just need to clear your cache. Find out how to clear website caching on the browser you are using, clear it and the changes should show up.

If you just want to dabble in Wordpress without installing it on your web hosting account, consider opening an account with You will get a subdomain to the Wordpress domain, and your blog is hosting by Wordpress for free. This is a good way to get your feet wet into blogging.

Permit comments to go up on your blog. In this way, people will feel like members of your community and you will have a better understanding of your readers. There are plugins for approving comments before they post on the site, which can help you avoid spammers and advertisers.

Your first WordPress plugin install should be Jetpack. The plugin extends the usability of WordPress in a lot of important ways. For instance, it gives you some basic analytics on the main page of the dashboard. It also increases your social media options for your website and adds in contact form options.

The plugin Broken Link Checker makes finding broken links on your site an easy task. Why don't you want broken links? They make your content appear dated, and that can lose your reader's interest. When you update or remove broken links, they'll never realize how old your posts might be.

WordPress is the most visited blogging site online. If you are blogging and not using WordPress, you are doing something wrong. Learning more about the site is the best way to become comfortable with using it. Use the helpful tips above to get used to the site and get the most from blogging.
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