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ONLINE MARKETING: A Reflection after One Year in the Business
As autumn and cold crawl their way into Canada and sunlight sets before 4 p.m., this darkness and quietness bring along a time of reflection for all of us. The assessment I would like to share with you is approximately internet marketing. Although my list of things to do seams never-ending, I am very happy to realize all I have accomplished in less than a year ( over 40 active web sites, a hypnosis for childbirth program that already got international recognition, over 100 published articles online, etc)

I have already been in internet marketing for a little less than a year and I've attended ten internet marketing seminars in 2006. I am the kind of one who likes to get to underneath of things. I would like to share my findings with people who are starting, thinking of starting and even stalling in the internet marketing business.

The ten biggest bits of wisdom I want to share with you about internet marketing I have learned are:

1)The price of Internet Marketing products is highly exaggerated. Many marketers are comfortable taking hundreds of dollars for useless e-books or software. They could overcharge such big money for just two significant reasons: their customers believe their well-written sales letter promising them to become a millionaire by working only two hours per day. The second reason is that since other folks have raised the bar before them, they feel safe with overcharging for their products.I encourage everyone who is about to purchase any internet marketing product to take a deep breath, back up and do an internet search. Almost certainly, the product or its equivalent is already available for a fraction of the purchase price on the internet.

My opinion is that no e-book will probably be worth that much unless it provides me with the code of the safe at the bank for this internet marketer.

2)In the internet marketing business you can find dreamers and you can find doers. I have repeatedly met some individuals at internet marketing seminars who have not taken action and just keep purchasing the next product promising them an easy an effortless income. My experience is that it requires work (but then again I don't view it as work as I enjoy it very much) at the very least initially to secure a good income in the internet marketing business.

3)Many internet marketers made their fortunes by selling products to people who want to create a fortune in the internet marketing business. Willie Crawford draws the parallel that individuals who got the richest through the gold rush were the ones selling shovels and sticks to the gold diggers.

Anyone thinking about internet marketing must ask themselves should they have just been enriching individuals selling them promises to create millions in the internet business.

4)There are basically three types of internet marketers out there: the ones who just want your cash, the ones who give you a good deal for your money and those that genuinely care about assisting you making good money by sharing their efficient tactics.

I will, needless to say, not name any names here and I think that deep deep down people know what kind of marketers they're. I can tell you that upon trying to execute a mental list of the genuine, caring ones, I had enough of my ten fingers to do the complete list.

5)The real successful internet marketers tend to be not on stage at seminars. I've met some very successful and knowledgeable people by talking to the person sitting close to me at seminars. I highly recommend you get to know the attendees at any given seminar; you can be surprised to sometimes find out that they know more compared to the speaker upfront and wiling to share everything with of charge.

6)A masterminding group is a wonderful resource to understand and share tricks and tips about internet marketing. The rule is to be part of a group that's about (or even better, a little above) your level of knowledge and accomplishments in internet marketing.

7)Action is power. Whatever little bit of gold nugget you learn is useless if you do not take action on it. Lots of people are eternal course takers but have yet to get their first web site up. Even the best intended internet marketer will not create a penny if he doesn't get his product on the market. I've heard numerous times the advice to place out your product and fix the fine details later. It has been just a little challenging for a perfectionist like me but, honestly, it works great. Often, customer comments allow me to go back and improve my product in ways that I would have never thought of.

8)Internet marketing is really a number's game. In the event that you put all your eggs in one basket, you might rise very fast very high and tumble down as fast. Diversity may be the foundation for a good business.

9)There will always be new things to learn. One cannot stay static in their basement and hope that the world won't change. The internet marketing world is one which changes at the speed of light and something has to keep informed of the brand new trends and developments.

10)The Internet is here to stay. Internet has been growing at an astonishing rate and the ones who got in the overall game will be prior to the pack in this exciting and powerful window to the planet. The possibilities are infinite.

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