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3 Basic Tips to Improve your Toilet Hygiene During the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has challenged us all to think about the bathroom in new ways. Does flushing the toilet aerosolized the virus? Can hand dryers spread virus-laden droplets? These are all things we had to think about in 2020. Much of the public discussion about coronavirus bathroom safety has centered on so-called ‘toilet plumes’ — tiny droplets and aerosols created by flushing a toilet — and whether or not they could probably spread the virus. We know that when we flush the toilet without the lid on, we aerosolize particles and that these toilet plumes can transmit diseases.

Flushing a toilet generates aerosols that could linger in the air for hours, possibly days. Aerosols are now widely accepted as the primary mode of transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19 . Thus the toilets require high maintenance. To make it easier, here are some ways to maintain toilet hygiene and reduce cross-contamination and bathroom transmission risks.

1. Shut the Lid Before Flushing
Studies found that with each flush, bacteria can be released up to 10 inches above toilet seats. These are the same germs that transmit infectious diseases. Not only that, these harmful microbes can settle on toilet surfaces when they are dispersed. When you touch these surfaces, the germs will be transferred to your hands. After that, touching your face or food with contaminated hands can probably make you very sick!

Experts suggest that before flushing, shut the lid to prevent the germs from “flying” and even use the magnetic sealing toilet to lower your risk of exposure to harmful germs. Remember to wash your hands with soap and water afterward. After all, there are germs in and around the sides of the toilet lid!

2. Keep Toilet Seats Clean
You may have seen the toilet signs warning users not to squat on the toilet seats. It may be obvious, but it happens! Shoes are a hotbed of hazardous bacteria. Studies suggest that over 96% of shoes contain fecal bacteria that may cause severe infections, including pneumonia and urinary tract infections.

A better way to deal with dirty toilet seat and bathroom transmission is to use a toilet seat cleaner. All you have to do is to dispense the sanitizing fluid onto a piece of toilet paper and use it to wipe down the toilet seat before and after use.

3. Wash Hands Thoroughly Before Stepping Out
Do you count the number of times you touch a surface every time you visit a toilet? Let me give you a few examples. When you enter, you will touch the door handle. If you need to lift the toilet seat lid, you may use your hands without overthinking it. How about the inevitable flush button?
When you move out of the toilet without washing your hands with soap and water, bacteria on your hands can be transmitted to others who are in close contact with you. In addition, when you touch your nose, eyes, or mouth with contaminated hands, the germs can enter your body.
Do you know? A single gram of human feces can carry one trillion germs! Feces are a source of germs, including Salmonella and E.coli, that can cause severe infections and diseases. Therefore, do not skip the soap and water even when you are in a rush!

Toilet hygiene is not just something that needs to be followed in public spaces, but should also be followed at home, as bathrooms at home have to be shared between the family members.

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