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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like league of legends.

You: hey

Stranger: hai

You: sup

Stranger: waddup

You: nothing

You: its just snowing outside

You: and the cold is leaking into the house

Stranger: how cold is it

Stranger: its -14 celcius here

You: hmm

You: let me check

You: 2

Stranger: you're lucky

Stranger: finnish weather sux

Stranger: snow everywhere

Stranger: and hella cold

Stranger: all winter long

You: oh yeah, finland is bound to be colder

Stranger: yea :{

Stranger: how's league

You: annoying

You: "alright guys if you just turtle while i keep splitpushing we can easily wi-" Allied team agreed to surrender 4 against 0 DEFEAT

Stranger: ripstarini

Stranger: shit happens

You: every

You: single

You: fucking

You: game

Stranger: go duoq so they cant surrender

Stranger: :D

You: if only any of my friends would duoq

You: instead of going ranked with someone else

Stranger: :|

Stranger: ok

Stranger: win before the 20 minute mark

Stranger: EZ

Stranger: jk

You: then the enemy team surrenders and its the same shit

Stranger: but soloq happens

Stranger: nothing u can do about it

You: well i can go play other games

You: that dont have shitty surrender functions made for pussies

Stranger: dota 2

Stranger: ?

Stranger: i would actually like a surrender button for dota

You: i wouldnt

Stranger: playing 3v5 sux

You: you can easily win 3v5

You: you get the passive gold income from the abandoned teammates

You: and if you sell their items the gold is redistrubited amongst the team

Stranger: I had full build

You: which hero

Stranger: but i didnt have the mechanix

Stranger: it was a while back

Stranger: erm

You: just tell me anything about the hero

You: skills, look etc

Stranger: I think i was playing either Kunkka or Sniper

Stranger: it was single draft

Stranger: so i had no choice

Stranger: i dont really like playing right click heroes

You: both of those can easily carry alone

Stranger: i had played

You: just buy a rapier

You: or two

You: :p

Stranger: about 10 games

Stranger: around that time

Stranger: i bought a rapier

Stranger: they got my ass

Stranger: and i lost my rapier

Stranger: got a new one

Stranger: their carry one shot me

Stranger: with MY OWN RAPIER

Stranger: mfker

You: :(

You: gotta be careful with a rapier

You: or you are in trouble

Stranger: shit sux

You: unless you are medusa

Stranger: gotta play like jesus

Stranger: wtf does medusa do

Stranger: never played

You: ok

You: she has:

You: split shot

You: its toggleable

You: it reduces your damage a bit

Stranger: huh

Stranger: 5 shots

Stranger: per AA

You: but makes your shots hit everyone, 5 shots

You: yes

Stranger: rofl

You: then mystic snake which isnt that important

You: she has mana shield

You: that makes her reduce damage with her mana

Stranger: ya im looking her up

Stranger: wiki

You: she basically takes 50% damage as long as she has mana

Stranger: I've played against a few

Stranger: but they all sucked

You: and her ultimate is like cassio but takes a few seconds of looking at her to turn to stone

You: medusa isnt easy to play

Stranger: so never seen a good medusa

You: in pubs you will never see a good medusa, maybe one in 500 games or something

You: people keep making linkens first item

You: then a manta

Stranger: I like to play dota every once in a while

You: then thye hit for 10 damage and die

Stranger: but I dont like

Stranger: the 50 min games

Stranger: at all

Stranger: fuck that

You: i have 2500 hours in dota :P

Stranger: every game

Stranger: i play

Stranger: its atleast 40 mins

Stranger: never shorter

You: yeah thats dota for you

You: especially since the after-ti4 patch

Stranger: i dont have patience

Stranger: for that

You: because games were always 20-min push to the end

Stranger: they did the same with league

Stranger: but its still possible in league

Stranger: atleast

Stranger: My shortest dota game was probably around 25 minutes

You: i love playing splitpushers in league

Stranger: because they had like 4 afks

You: shaco, udyr, skarner especially

You: i just kill towers while they boast about their kills

You: i had this 30-5 something zed on the enemy team and i still won because i kept pushing

You: he was crying so hard

Stranger: play tryndamere

You: kills mean nothing, throne means everything ^^

Stranger: easy elo

Stranger: stay top all game

You: nah tryn isnt fun

Stranger: even if you lose lane

Stranger: you can still stay there

You: i make 42% lifesteal on skarner

You: its hilarous

Stranger: and get free turrets

Stranger: wtf

You: with a hydra

You: you heal to max with 1-2 hits on creeps

Stranger: the skarner toplane tho

Stranger: hidden stronk?

You: yeah i play him top

You: if you trade correctly you can out-trade some people

You: its not that easy to pull off

You: you gotta kite between the qs

You: if you get the stun passive off you won the trade easily

You: and if they are retarded

You: and dive you near the tower

You: just pull them into it

You: easy

You: i had a fiora ult me near the tower

Stranger: but then

You: i walked in the tower

Stranger: you have to lane against a lulu

You: and then pulled her even in

Stranger: and you cry yourself to sleep

Stranger: or a lissandra

You: yeah fuck everyone thats ranged

Stranger: thats the toplane meta for u

Stranger: well

You: i would make tiamat first item then go farming everywhere

Stranger: not anymore

You: and catch up

Stranger: rip lulu

Stranger: but lissandra

Stranger: is so obnoxiuous

Stranger: like

You: i did a gangplank + lissandra duo top with my mate

You: it was hilarous

You: we would keep laughing at the enemy

You: and just kill him over and over again

Stranger: I remember playing GP + xin zhao bot / top with my friend when we were about lvl 15

Stranger: both had ignite exhaust and we waited in the first bush

Stranger: to get the sweet 10 armor sona booty

Stranger: yarhar

Stranger: gp was fun

Stranger: but then they removed the op chest hair

Stranger: ;_;

You: rip

You: unplayable

Stranger: gp was so manly

Stranger: his clothes grew hair

Stranger: was so cool

Stranger: playing critplank

You: walk up to someone

You: shoot them

You: 2/3 hp gone

You: walk away

Stranger: walk away?

Stranger: p00sie

Stranger: u keep going

Stranger: like a man

Stranger: and crit that bitch one more time

Stranger: u need the money

Stranger: for your IE

You: its so easy and quick to be 6-slotted in league

You: you can easily get all items in like 35-40 minutes

Stranger: ya

Stranger: well

Stranger: depends which items you get

Stranger: for example

Stranger: IE

Stranger: 3800 gold

Stranger: Morellonomicon

Stranger: 2100 gold

Stranger: thats a huge difference

Stranger: both are legendary items

You: trinity, hydra, bloodthirster, ruined king, greaves with alacrity, zephyr/randuin/etc

Stranger: APC builds are usually relatively cheap

Stranger: tbh

Stranger: if u get like Morello, void, sorcs, zhonyas and deathcap

Stranger: morello and void are 2100g and 2300g

Stranger: thats hella cheap

Stranger: Adc items are way more expensive

You: then you have udyr

Stranger: who doesnt even need items

You: :p

Stranger: and runs around taking all the camps

Stranger: and ganking all the lanes

Stranger: at the same time

Stranger: without boots

Stranger: !??!!

Stranger: #godyr

Stranger: :||||

You: 1 minute alone and all camps in the map cleared including crabs baron and dragon

You: :p

You: then you have my husbando anti-mage

You: leave him alone for 10 minutes with a battlefury

Stranger: I saw a video

Stranger: of antimage

You: entire map farmed in 2 seconds

Stranger: one shotting an entire team

You: i love mana void

Stranger: never played him

You: its just so satisfying

Stranger: but seemed fun

You: he is really hard

You: you gotta know how to farm

You: and check enemy mana

You: i can get a 14-minute battlefury every game

You: and the regular is like 16-20

You: then you go farming your ass off

You: he has a 6-second blink

You: and its like triple the range of kassadin's

You: you blink from camp to camp

You: and clear them all with battlefury's cleave

You: battlefury is like hydra btw

You: you get it as your very first item

You: just rush it

You: as AM

You: so you can flashfarm everything

Stranger: that sounds

Stranger: like tryndamere tbh

Stranger: farm entire game

Stranger: and carry

You: he is also a great pusher thanks to being able to escape with 1 blink

You: and as he will be farming while his team fights 4v5

You: he can just quietly push down a lane

You: jump from jungle to lane to more jungle

You: and just get like a 800 GPM and destroy the enemy team

You: although he is a squishy fuck and you dont want to be ganked

You: its important to know where to blink

You: if you blink into an enemy you dont want to fuck with, you are dead

You: unless you have manta style

You: then the fun is over


You: have you seen this?

You: manta style makes 2 copies of your hero

You: illusions

You: anti-mage has a passive that burns mana on every hit and damages

You: the illusions have that passive

You: you jump onto someone

You: activate manta

You: 0 mana


You: this is also a classic

You: dont ever buy these items on AM :p

You: his ult AoE is much larger now

Stranger: "magic sucks"

Stranger: rofl

You: yep

Stranger: i think ill stick to league for now atleast

Stranger: maybe I'll give dota a chance some day

Stranger: it's just weird playing it after 3 years of LoL

You: play whatever suits you

Stranger: it seems cool

Stranger: because of the complexity

You: dota is more strategy-heavy than skillshots, longer games and more teamwork

You: and yeah it has so much to think about

You: every hero is unique in his own way

Stranger: ya

Stranger: there are so many unique abilities


You: sweet mana voids

You: mmhmmm

Stranger: everything in dota is so op compared to LoL

Stranger: and i just cant get used to it

You: yes

You: in dota

You: every hero is overpowered

You: if you dont know what you are doing you will get crushed

You: the weaknesses and strenghts are very bold

You: and you have to play around the strenghts and strike at their weaknesses

You: i had a triple-kill with mana void a few days earlier

You: it felt so fucking satisfying

Stranger: ya

Stranger: but after playing league for so long

Stranger: it just feels wrong

You: it was actually going to be a double kill but phantom assassin jumped on my target

You: and she blew up as well

You: yeah league is really different, the power differences between heroes arent that different

You: X champion is a fine ganker with a stun, Y champion is a fine ganker with a slow

You: its just the same thing with variations here and there

Stranger: and nowadays

You: there are some really nice unique champions though

Stranger: you cant win league 1v5

Stranger: you need your team

Stranger: pretty much

You: yeah i won a game 1v5 once

You: it was hilarous

Stranger: snowballing in dota

Stranger: is retarded

Stranger: I got a 3 second rampage with kunkka

Stranger: 1v5

Stranger: I had like 20 kills

You: snowballing in dota is actually easy to comeback from

Stranger: i one shotted 4 guys

You: because when you kill someone, you get bonus gold depending on net worth difference

Stranger: and then smacked the remaining enemy once

You: and its not easy to go 100-0 like in league unless the enemy makes a huge mistake

You: then you have invoker

You: 12 spells


You: wrong link

You: sec


You: imagine playing this

You: for an entire game

You: hey

Stranger: hey

Stranger: I was playing a game of league

You: ah how did it go

Stranger: they had an afk

Stranger: insta win

Stranger: :|

You: :p

You: what server are you on

Stranger: euw

You: same

You: wanna play together sometime?

Stranger: i guess

Stranger: atm i have a full premade

Stranger: but maybe later

You: yeah i dont want to play atm either

Stranger: ok

You: whats your name

You: i'll add

Stranger: Karwox

You: alright, im Slocknog

Stranger: i added you

You: i guess we can end this now, since i got you added

Stranger has disconnected.
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Regards; Team

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