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Increase Online Sales With Social Media: 5 *CRITICAL* Sales Tools We Use
Five tools to increase your sales through social media marketing. Now I have this list of five tools and I & # 39 m, going to run it down in just a second, but I & # 39 m doing that this morning from the beach here in Newport. If any of you guys can tell me exactly where I am in Newport, then leave a comment down below today is the last day of our vacation. So we & # 39 re going to come out here this morning. Have my coffee and make sure the beach was still here, so I want to talk about real, quick before I jump into the five tips or the five platforms that we use for social media marketing. You know you really see a lot of you know these YouTube videos and information. How you see these gurus say how they & # 39 ve made a million dollars in the last 45 days with their sales funnel, and you know I & # 39 m, not saying that they don & # 39 t make that money, but it is so Hard for you, who probably has a smaller channel a smaller channel or a smaller store to really kind of come to terms with that sure that & # 39 d, be awesome. But how did you get there? Well, those guys get there by converting warm traffic that are on their email list or have purchased from them before, or they have them in some other series of their funnel and you just don & # 39 t. Have that yet you haven & # 39 t started that yet so you have to convert cold traffic into warm traffic and the best way to do that is by generating a very simple low-risk. Look which means low price to offer and having a super simple call to action that helped people convert very easily. Then you get people into your warm audience and that & # 39 s. How you put them into your more high end, funnel to convert better traffic. So the first thing on my list for social media marketing is obviously it & # 39 s, going to be to make sure that you absolutely have the shop page enabled on your facebook business profile. So if you have a fan page, which you should for your business, you want to make sure you have the shop feature enabled you know. Social media traffic is just more expensive these days and there & # 39 s, a lot more competition there. So you know having these five elements will help ensure that you get more sales. We get probably fifteen to twenty percent of our sales through these underlined social media channels. So again, the Facebook shop page is an easy layup in paramount to increasing your sales. The second one, our Instagram shoppable posts. So if you & # 39 re, not on Instagram with your business yet get on Instagram, you can create shoppable posts, and I created a video. instagram names & # 39 ll, put a link or a card in in the video here to that one on how to create these shoppable posts. The next one is very similar to that, but it & # 39 s through Pinterest, the Pinterest pins. You know, I know you guys are probably saying: oh man mark, we & # 39. Ve heard this. I know all about this stuff, but I guarantee that 80 % of you aren & # 39 t doing it. So do it it & # 39 s free to use, use these social media profiles, because that & # 39 s where people are the next on. My list is a service called jumper and jumper is an app that will allow you to integrate the messaging of messaging messaging service, the messenger to trigger. When somebody is on your post, it & # 39 s, crazy efficient and it just has a simple two-step process. For people to go all the way through the checkout process and pay simplicity is what increases your conversion rate. So keep that in mind keep your processes super super simple and the last one is called mini. Chat and mini chat is a similar service to jumper, except it really integrates with facebook Messenger so that you can use it more as an outbound marketing service, as opposed to like jumper that when people are on your post, that you can trigger the automation for it To come up and try to make sales mini chat is really you know that outbound marketing style and all of these elements together, all five of these elements are going to help. You increase your conversion rate, so listen that & # 39 s. My five tips on platforms to use integrate these into your business. It takes you have to be able to kind of roll with the punches these days and integrate these new services. There is no traditional that sounds weird: no traditional online e-commerce marketing style anymore. You have to be on the cutting edge and stay up with all of the competition, so use these tools and it makes your life so much easier and increase your sales for sure. So before I leave, I & # 39 ll. Just give you a little shot here. Hopefully it won & # 39 t make you sick for me spinning around, but I & # 39 m just standing down here and we got a nice calm morning on the beach and I am gon na go finish. My coffee and I & # 39 m gon na go that way down to the wedge, so I & # 39 ll, see you guys on the next one. If you liked this video, please give me a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe to the channel. So that you & # 39 ll stay notified every time I put out new videos thanks guys be sure to subscribe to the channel to be notified of future videos and don & # 39 t forget to like this video now watch that video next go ahead. Watch that video
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