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How To Change A Dead Motion Sensor Light Switch
What exactly is a motion sensor switch? Motion sensor switches are on the market for a long time however (while they are commonly used in commercial buildings) they've not yet become mainstream in home systems. This may be an oversight in some ways. These switches are excellent concepts and can be utilized in many different applications. However, in other scenarios, they're not a good choice due to the reasons below.
What to do if do not prefer motion sensor switches: In general, you should install the switch exactly as it was designed. This will eliminate any installation issues. Sometimes, however, a technician could make a mistake and fail to know how to set up the switch - and that's the reason you need to be aware of the best way to set it up. You could make a mistake and put the switch in place without covering it. If there's no plate with the power and ground leads, then the wires returning to the wall could get damaged and you'll need replace the wiring. Don't do it , just leave the wires in place and have your motion sensor switch fitted as you would normally.

How to Install an Old Switch If It's Still Good To avoid mounting issues You can purchase an old motion sensor switch and take off the cover plate. Then you can stick it on the wall. This is ideal for switches made of steel, brass, or any other material that isn't as susceptible to corrosion. However, if your switch is made of aluminium it won't work. If your switch is made of plastic or wood (or whatever else is less likely to cause corrosion) then you can simply remove the old cover plate and place it on the wall.
Screws are also possible in the absence of a cover plate. If occupancy light switch what you can do in a safe manner, you can employ some metal screws to secure the switch. To make sure that the screw does not escape, you might have to use electrical tape. However, if you're unsure about how to use screws, you can use some electrical tape to cover the screw heads so that you are able to utilize them if you want to.
How to Set Up your Motion Sensor Light Switch Automatically On and Off: After you've installed the sensor switch it is time to set it in the right mode. There are actually which are used by the lights to sense any movement in the space. The first is triggered by movement, the other by the presence of something in the area. Your motion sensor light switch is able to detect movement and turn on the light.
Finally, connect the wires and sensors to your new switch, and test to ensure that it functions exactly as it is supposed to. You can then either disconnect the old switch and replace it with the new one , or connect the wires and put in your motion sensor switch. Follow the same steps for installing the new switch as the old one.

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