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Top 4 Glamping Spots in Northern California
Have you heard of the term glamping before these days? I'M sure you've seen it all over social media, but to explain it a little further glamping means glamorous camping. It'S perfect, for you, nature lovers out there who want to experience the outdoors but still want a taste of that luxurious lifestyle. Basically me so in today's video i'm going to be going over my top four glamping spots that i recommend going to in northern california. So, if you're interested then hop onto this tour bus because we're gon na go there right now number one auto camp in yosemite, auto camp - is this luxury airstream resort located throughout california? They have locations in yosemite, sonoma, santa barbara and more, and they all give you the ultimate outdoor experience, the one that i stayed at was in yosemite and it was amazing. You have different types of sites to choose from whether it's an airstream, a tent or a cabin suite. They also have a really nice communal area, where you can play games, get complimentary, breakfast and buy things from their gift shop, and it's only about an hour away from all the really great trails in yosemite national park. Number two yurt in salinas california. To be honest, i've never heard of salinas before so i didn't expect much from it, but i'm so glad that i came here to stay because it was hands down. One of the best airbnb experiences that i have ever had there wasn't too much to do in the area except visit some local wineries, but the city is located in monterey, so it's only a short drive into the city. They also have a bonfire pit in the front that looks over the entire vineyard, so it's so beautiful and it's extremely relaxing and peaceful. I also have a video showing off the yurt a little bit more. So, if you're interested in seeing it then check out my yurt glamping tour, because you'll see a lot more of the amenities there number three glamping in carmel carmel is one of the cutest places. I'Ve ever been to it's such a quaint, little town with fairy tale. Like cottages lined up on the streets, so you'd, never guess, there's a clamping spot nearby. The spot i stayed at was only 10 minutes of a drive away from the main town, so it's location was really convenient, hi, guys it's tiffany and right now, i'm at a cool glance site another one in carmel. So i wanted to show you a little tour of how it looks so far. It'S not too big, but it's pretty cute our little glam site. So, as you can see, there's not too many rooms in here. It'S basically this, but they did a really good job with just how they furnished everything here. You'Ve got this awesome storage, so you can put any of your things in here um. You might hear some background noises because we're in nature, so there's lots of crows and just people around it's still pretty early. So i'm trying not to talk too loud. I don't want to wake up my neighbors. This area had a lot of cute tents and cabins. You can rent with fire pits in the front. If you really want to make s'mores or cook some food, they also have common areas like bathrooms and sinks that you can access that are really clean. But you just have to be okay with sharing that with other people. And of course i saved the best. For last number, four is the ventana in big sur. The ventana in big sur is seriously the glamping dreams of my life, and i'm not exaggerating just because i got proposed to here. This place is seriously so glamorous and so luxurious, and the best part is it's. In the middle of the most beautiful redwood forests, when you first enter, there's this really nice lobby that you walk into where you can have social drinks or play games such as checkers or pool. There are also delicious high-end restaurants. You can eat, while you're here and an infinity pool you can access that overlooks. Amazing views, there's also a japanese hot bath where clothing is optional. Do redirected here at your own risk. I wanted to have the full experience here, so i came in completely naked thinking that everyone else is going to be doing the same, but when i got there, i realized that everybody, but me were fully clothed there. I was just there with everything hanging out. It was a lot of fun yeah. Do it at your own risk. You can choose to stay in their tents in the middle of the forest or their luxury suites on the grounds. Both are great options depending on the weather, but i recommend staying in the tent. If you want the full glamping experience, so those are my top four glamping spots that i recommend in northern california and to be honest, there are so many more that i want to add to this list, but i honestly just haven't had the chance to visit any Of them yet now i want to know what were your favorite glam spots from the list that i chose leave your answer in the comments below. If you also have any recommendations that i might not have mentioned, then please let me know, because i'm always looking to explore new places in the area anyways. That'S all i have today for this video. I really hoped you liked it until then. I will see you in the next video check out: bye,
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