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Oil is a different compounds
we can seperate these substances by a process called farctional distilation.
These fractions include fuels like petrol, diesel and aviation fuel.
Huge amounts of carbon dioxide are given off into the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide causes global warming or the greenhouse effect.
Coal burning power stations also give off sulphur dioxide gas which leads to acid rain.
Greenhouse gases stop this and heat is reflected back to the Earth again.
water vapor, gases, methane, carbon dioxide
The average temprature of the Earth will rise.
Thic can lead to droughts.
Extremes of weather will occur huricanes and storm.
The increase in temprature will speed up the melting of the polar ice caps.
Global warming will therefore lead to floods.
The electricity we produce from burning fossil fuels could also be made using renewable energy resource.
We could try to save wasting energy from fossil fuels during domestic use in our homes and from waste transport consumption of fuel.
Nuclear power stations can produce large amounts of energy from small amounts of nuclear fuels.
Nuclear radiation is extremely dangerous.
High safety standards are needed.
Energy conversion may result in increase of : Efficient energy use, financal capital, human comfort, environmental, national security, personal security, consumers.
Radiant energy : deutrium, tritium, helium, neutron.
Solar energy is radiation produced by nuclear fusion inside the sun's care.
The radiant energy turns into thermal energy when it is absorbed by molecules on Earth.
Dryin agricultural products, Heating water, Space Heating, Generating Electrical Energy
Daylighting, Passive Solar Heating, Active Solar Heating, Concentrating Solar Thermal, PV
photovoltaics systems convert sunlight directly into electricity, and are potentially one of the most useful of the renewable energy techologies.
Today's PV cells are less than 20% efficient at converting radiant energy to electrical energy.
The conversion efficienty of a PV cell is the proportion of sunlight energy that the cell converts into electricity energy.
Solar Energy Advantages : Clean , Sustainable, Free , Provide Electricity to Remote Places
Disadvantages : Inefficient and costly equipment, part time,Location Environmental Production
Water Power ; They describe vertical, waterwheel's in rivers and streams.
These traditional waterwheel's turned as the river flowed, turning millstones that ground grains.
Needed water for hydroelectric power plants.
Should not exceed the water with the same the speed and large airflows.
More electricity is produced by drop from a high place.
Advantages : Renewable , Clean , Domestic Energy, Generally available as needed, Water supply and Flood Control
Hyropower relies on the water cycle, which is driven by the sun, thus it is a renewable power source.
Another advantage is the high efficient of hydroelectric power plants.
Fish population, quality and flow of water, ecosiystem
Hydropower can impact water quality and flow.
When there is a reduction in the amounts of dissolved oxygen decreases populations living by the river.
Geothermal Energy : Drill , Then a heat pump is used to take the heat water from underground to the substance that heats the house. Then often the water it is cooled is injacted back into the underground.
Generation of Electricity is ppropriate for sources >150*C
Cold water is injected back if increased soil salinity.
If cold water is injected back to cause seismic movements.
If cold water is injected back into sulphur asid is formed is exposed and bad smell.
One well "blew it top" 10 years after it was built, and this threw hundreds of tons rock, mud and steam into the atmosphere.
There is the fear of noise pollution during the drilling of wells.
Usefull minerals, such as zinc and silica, can be extracted from underground water.
Geothermal Energy is "homegrown" This will create jobs a better global trading position and less reliance on oil producing countries.
No NOx and little SO2
Geothermal production of energy 3rd highest among renewable energies.
It is behind hyro and biomass.
Before Solar and wind energy.
Biomass is a renewable energy source that is derived from living or recently living organisms.
Biomass includes biological material, not organic material like coal.
Energy derived from biomass in mostly used to generate electricity or to produce heat.
Thermal energy is extracted by means of combustion , torrefaction, pyrolysis and gasification.
Biomas has a smaller energy content for its bulk than fossil fuels.
Advantages : Renewable resorce, Reduces landfills, Clean water supplies, reduces acid rain and smog, reduces greenhouse gases, CO2, methane.
Biomass emits CO2 when it naturally decays and when it is used as an energy source.
Living biomass in plants and trees absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.
Biomass causes a closed cycle with no net emissions of greenhouse gases.
Crop and forest residues otfen contain high concentration of important nutrients.
Other synthetic chemical nutrients or fertilizer can later be added.
While biomass is one of the best forms renewable energy, it is not a great fuel.
Tides generated by the combination of the moon and sun's gravitational forces.
Greatest effect in spring when moon and suncombine forces.
Bays and inlets amplify the height of the tide.
In order to be praticaal for energy production the height difference needs to be at least 5 meters.
moon - quarter phase - neap Tides
moon - full or new - spring Tides
First generation barrage style tidal power plants.
Tide coming in -> flow faster
Tide going out <- pressure rises
Second generation tidal power plants, barrage not need.
Cause corrosion, technology is not fully developed.
no pollution, renewable resource
More efficient than wind ,because of the density of water.
Wave are caused by a number of forces ; wind, gravitational pull from the sun and moon, changes in atmosphere pressure, earthquakes etc.
Thermal effect creates the wind, The wind effect creates the wave.
Wind Energy : heat fpom the sun causes convection, in the atmosphere meaning the heated air rises.
These currents create zones of high and low air pressure with in the atmosphere.
Clean zero emissions, Not CO,CO2,NOx,SO2 , Air and water quality, Climate change, Domestic energy, Reduce fossil fuel dependance, renewable.

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