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Some Memorable Cinema: The Boy With Striped Pyjamas (2008), King's Speech (2010), K-Pax (2001)
The Boy With Striped Pyjamas (2008)
Director: Mark Herman
Cast: Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, Vera Farmiga, David Thewlis
Genre: Drama, War
Plot: An emotional, heart-wrenching drama set during the Holocaust events of WWII. This brilliant movie shows "Death of innocence", literally.
A young German boy - Bruno (Asa Butterfield) befriends a little daughter Jewish boy - Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), after Bruno's family relocates to an alternative place. Bruno's father (SS Commander) manages the prison camp where Shmuel is detained regarding his family as being a prisoner.
This prison camp is truly a Nazi Death Camp--a fact Commander has concealed from his wife and family. Commander's wife is devastated once truth dawns onto her.
Innocent Bruno isn't aware such a Death Camp is. For him all the prisoners in Striped pyjamas are participants inside a game. He visits the prison boundaries secretly and plays with Shmuel - who is equally unaware about realities. Bruno also convinces Shmuel that it is all a game title and so they together plan to try to find Shmuel's missing father.
Back at home Commander and his awesome perturbed wife realize that Bruno is missing. They track him right down to the Prison.
But now have gone a bit too far.
A movie that impacts your soul in-deep.
King's Speech (2010)
Director: Tom Hooper
Cast: Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter, Geoffrey Rush
Genre: Drama, Biography
Plot: Real life story of King George the VI and his awesome struggle with speech deformity.
Incredible performance from the whole cast. Especially, the chemistry between King George 'Bertie' (Colin Firth) and his awesome ahead-of-time Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush) is backbone with the movie.
The progression of friendship between a 'Royal' and a somewhat 'Rogue' has become captured immaculately, their ups and down, the Royal snob, common man's perseverance - it's all perfection personified.
Indeed an increased point for cinema regarding direction.
Director: Iain Softley
Cast: Kevin Spacey,Jeff Bridges
Genre: Mystery, Drama
Plot: Prot (Kevin Sapcey) is a mental patient whom his psychiatrist Jeff Bridges tries to help.Though one can possibly probably guess who helps whom however it is HOW you simply must watch K-Pax.
Somehow the title K-Pax just isn't very attractive if you have not already seen the movie. It's only once you've seen it that you get a grasp within the things--especially the title!
It is an emotional movie and really heart wrenching for somebody more sentimental.
"And even though you comprehend it won't happen you keep hoping it does-The Beam of Light." This sentence probably won't make any sense for your requirements, if you have not seen the movie! But the whole movie requires this sentence.
As for me personally I wasn't even aware this movie features considered one of my personal favorites - Kevin Spacey and another one whom I hold in high esteem just as one actor - Jeff Bridges. Watch it for the kids.
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