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Heads Or Tails? The Flip Answer
The human mind can do amazing things. It can conjure up images from seemingly nowhere and then bring that image right back to your mind to make you think it's real. A good example of this is when you flip a coin multiple times and get the same result each time. You might conclude that the coin is a "headed" coin or a "tails" coin. Well, there's nothing wrong with thinking that way. After all, you've had that experience before and it certainly didn't leave a very good impression.

Now, consider this next example. Let's say there are two people involved in a coin flip. One person has a fifty-two percent chance of selecting tails, and the other person has a forty-one percent chance of selecting heads. So, when the first person flips a coin, they have to make a split decision between their two possibilities, and if they do, they are right.

However, suppose the second person flipped a coin and it came up tails, then they would have to admit that they were wrong and must try again. This person might be considered "jay" in some circles. On the other hand, consider how the world views janitors. Most people view janitors as simply scrubbing the floors, mopping, and doing whatever they have to in order to get the job done. When someone flips a coin, they have to face the possibility of it coming up heads and then getting flipped again.

Heads or Tails doesn't refer to two sides that are equally valid. It refers to a set of criteria that can be used to evaluate something. Heads refers to those that have more value than tails, which obviously means that they have more potential use. Heads refers to a person who knows more about the coin than the person who is holding it. Tails refers to someone who has more potential to come up with the wrong decision.

When people talk about heads or tails, they are usually referring to coin flip statistics. There are many sources on the internet that offer information on coin flip statistics. These sources provide the basis for the beliefs that some people have about the matter. For instance, some people believe that someone that consistently gets heads on their coins is smarter than someone who consistently gets tails on their coins. These beliefs are based off of nothing more than wishful thinking and the inability of humans to see past potential.

It doesn't matter which group you fall into. Head or tail coin flipping has to be part of your overall coin collection strategy. If you have no desire to flip coins, then don't. Either way, learning more about the process of coin flipping will help you enjoy it more. The more you know about it, the more enjoyment you will get out of it.

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