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Discovery to Colonies

What’s going on in Europe?
After Rome falls the _________ bring feudalism, rise of the Catholic Church, the Black Death, Protestant Reformation, the Renaissance, and exploration of the world
What’s going on in Africa?
Saharan trade brings the rise of three kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai
The practice of _______ had existed around the world for centuries
African Kings began to conquer other tribes and sell the people into slavery on the coast to trade with ________ for horses and ____
What’s going on in America?
Historians believe the first Americans came roughly 13,000-15,000 years ago, either across the ________________ or by boat (no one knows for sure)
People settled all over North and South America, developing distinct _________ and languages
New Empires in the Americas
Viking ___________ came to North America in roughly the year _____, he is the first European to explore this area
There is also evidence that some Asian and African nations may have made contact before the Vikings
1492 Christopher Columbus is sent by Spain to find a trade ______ to Asia for trading spices and gold
Columbus ends up landing in the ________, enslaving native peoples and forcing some to come back to Spain
By the 1500s many Europeans set out to explore to find ____, spread their ________, and to find better ______ routes
The cruel policies towards native peoples initiated by Columbus were followed by other conquistadors sent from Spain like Hernan Cortes.
Conquistadors brought ________, enslaved natives, and stole land for places like Spain and Portugal
The Spanish also introduced the _________ system, where a farm would only focus on growing ____ kind of crop (natives were forced to work as slaves on plantations)
Roanoke: The Lost Colony
In the 1500s ________ decided to set up a permanent settlement in North America
Sir Walter Raleigh is given a _______, a document giving him permission to start a colony
In 1584 he sends a group of settlers to North America, they name a part of land ________, and attempt to start a colony on Roanoke Island (it ______ and they go home)
A few years later a man named __________ is sent with more settlers, they are more successful on Roanoke Island
When White leaves to get supplies in England, he is unable to return for 3 years
Upon his return to Roanoke, all of the settlers are gone, and a mysterious word “________” is carved into a tree
The Southern Colonies
May 1607 The Virginia Company of London (a joint-stock company) sends 105 settlers to __________, this becomes the first __________ settlement (2/3rds die by winter)
Most settlers come looking for ____ and didn’t have useful skills
1609, more people arrive (400), after the ____________ there are only 60 people alive by spring
____________ - builds a fort, forces colonists to farm, and work for food
Powhatan Confederacy teaches colonists to grow corn
John Rolfe introduces _______
Majority of workers are originally ________________, someone who works for a contracted number of years in exchange or passage to the new world world
Maryland is set up as a Catholic colony, the toleration act of 1649 supported religious tolerance here
Georgia is set up as a ________ colony, prisoners in England can come work to pay for their crimes

Southern Colonies
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
warm, mild winters, ideal soil, life centered around large farms called plantations
cash crops: tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo, and sugarcane
religious tolerance
representative governments established

The New England Colonies
After the Protestant Reformation religious tension is high in England
_________ (a protestant group) wanted to purify or reform the Anglican Church (this is the church created by King Henry VIII)
When Henry didn’t listen to their request they decided to separate and form their own church. Henry persecuted (to be mistreated) them in England
In November 1620 the Puritans left England to make a pilgrimage (religious journey) to the New World
They become known as the _______, and their ship lands in Massachusetts (meant for Virginia)
Because they landed extremely off course, they have no laws to abide by (they are outside of Virginia’s charter), and little knowledge or the land or native tribes
Upon arrival 41 male passengers signed the ______________, a legal contract to practice fair laws and protect the general good
Half died the first winter from freezing temperature and disease
_______ teaches the pilgrims how to farm
40,000 puritans come to the colonies between 1629-1640
In 1630 John Winthrop set up the Massachusetts Bay Colony (near Boston)
________ and ________ are closely connected, there are very strict religious rules
Minister Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson speak out against the church, are ________ from the colony, and set up a more tolerant colony in Rhode Island
In the early 1690s women are accused of being ______ and using witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts
A court is formed by the town, by the end of the trials 19 women are put to ______
New England Colonies
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire
cold winters, soil is rocky making farming difficult
fur, shipbuilding, fishing, and trading (skilled trades)
towns are close together, many families, church was central to life, Puritans were the largest religious group and not tolerant of others
Church members are also government leaders. town meetings - established tradition of self government and democracy

The Middle Colonies
The Dutch originally landed in this area, called it New Netherland in 1613
The British took over peacefully in 1664, renamed it _________
There was religious tolerance: Jews, French Huguenots, Puritans, and others
Also very _______, Dutch, Swedes, Finns, and Scots
The ________ were a religious group in England that didn’t follow formal religious practices, dressed plainly, believed in _______ between men and women, supported non violence, and religious tolerance
Most Christians were shocked by their beliefs and they were persecuted
__________, a Quaker, was given permission to start a colony in Pennsylvania, and the colony grew rapidly
Penn limited his own _____, established an elective assembly, and promised religious freedom
Colonists typically grew ___________, which are crops that are always needed, like barley, wheat, oats, and also raised livestock
Middle Colonies
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
rich soil and mild climate, known as the breadbasket of colonial america
agricultural, shipping, paper, textiles, and iron
religious toleration, diverse population (not just English)
representative assemblies were formed by the colonists. Philadelphia and New York become the biggest cities in the colonies

The 13 Colonies: Summary
Colonists (people living in the colonies) enjoyed more political participation than in Europe, are ___________, have a better standard of living, enjoy more social and economic mobility
Most colonists living in the 13 colonies are from _______, and they are all British subjects
What are the two biggest reasons why people came to settle in the colonies?
Introduction of Slavery

The cash crop (a crop only produced for profit) tobacco flourishes in the Southern colonies but is very _____ intensive crop
_____ the first African enslaved people are brought to the colonies (most are already immune to European diseases)
Demand for slave labor led to the growth of the slave trade especially in the _____
Africans were often captured from the interior of the African continent, sold to Europeans on the coast, and then forced to endure a voyage to the New World
The voyage across the Atlantic was called the _____________
Enslaved people were packed like cargo in lower decks, chained together, and often ____ from disease or malnutrition
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