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The Matrix 3
"The Matrix" is a film that is original that is a story that follows Neo (Reeves), a young man from a wealthy family through an incredible journey. In a futuristic world overrun by withholds, Neo (Reeves) lives a life of luxury as he uncovers the truth about his existence and the true nature of his family. However, Neo soon discovers that his existence isn't as it appears to be, as Neo is required to fight for his freedom against a mysterious entity. The human population of the future America is facing a rogue epidemic. The artificially intelligent computers of the government are helping citizens to prevent it.

The Matrix is a sci-fi thriller. It is a wonderful example of what film could do, with advanced special effects and exploring moral questions, all while conveying a powerful message to the viewers. It is a wildly popular movie with people of all different ages. It was released over 14 years ago. However it's only recently been released in theatres. While many classic films have been released on DVD, this one is the first to be released with a blockbuster film. Keanu Reeves and Jet Li star alongside Edward Norton, Djimon Hanouri, Laurence Fishburn, Jet Li, Laurence Fishburn, Laurence Fishburn, Edward Norton and others.

The second installment of the "Matrix" trilogy is the Neo character introduced into another adventure, this time that of Trinity. Trinity is the daughter of Neo and Morpheus and is the main character in the third film. She is also the daughter of Rachel Jones, the main protagonist in the first film. The film is largely based around the relationship between Neo and Trinity. This film didn't get enough attention and didn't do well at the box-office.

The Matrix Revolutions is the sequel to "The Matrix". Neo has developed and continues to change becoming more powerful. Neo is also faced with an adversary named Oracle who uses her control of machines to influence people into helping her achieve her goals. Neo is able to escape the Oracle and goes on the search for his own personal hero and this is exactly what he believes the Matrix will teach him. The story revolves around Neo's search for the real Neo. The film introduces a new antagonist that Neo must defeat and introduces new characters.

The third sequel to the original" Matrix" trilogy is "The Matrix Revolutions." Neo as well as the other Neo clones continue their search for the ultimate solution for mankind. Neo discovers that human race has developed a philosophy which dictates that humans can outlive their physical capabilities and, with the assistance of another, they can accomplish what was previously impossible. The other person is referred to as Morality and is the voice in Neo's head, telling him the right way to live and what's wrong. The film is a heavy concentration on morality and religion and the ultimate conflict between Neo and Morality.

"The Matrix Revolutions", although not one that I enjoyed as much as the first two installments in the trilogy, was one I wasn't sure if I would like to watch. I did, however, and I really enjoy the story. However, the plotline became repetitive and the plot got a bit stale at the end, I had to put the DVD on fast forward so that I could catch up on the entire action. Although some fight sequences were predictable, the film did not live up to the expectations of viewers who had seen the original "Matrix".

The fans of the first "Matrix films should wait a couple of months before they try the second. The film is sure to please even in the event that the first film did not live up to your expectations. It won't make much difference, I think. Fans will need to wait and check to see whether Keanu Reeves his character, Neo, ends up being good or not in the third installment. It is quite possible that he will be the best leading man ever, while everyone else in Hollywood does their best to stay safe. The "Matrix" films have proved that a well-written and directed movie with fantastic acting can effortlessly overcome the flaws of the actual plot.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed the film, however, overall, it just didn't live up to the standards that were set by previous versions. Don't let that discourage you from continuing the "Matrix" series however. moviefree8k It's highly unlikely that the next film will be as good as the last two, however it certainly could happen. Personally, I would wait-until at the very least, Christmas before watching the next "Matrix" film. Maybe, then, the film will be of better quality because of the mediocre actors.

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