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# Registration
disabled: '&cOyun icin kayit olma kapatildi!'
name_taken: '&cSenin adinda daha once birisi kaydolmus!'
register_request: '&3Lutfen kayit komutunu kullanin "/register <sifre> <TekrarSifre>"'
command_usage: '&cKullanim: /register <sifre> <TekrarSifre>'
reg_only: '&4Sunucuya kayit sadece internet uzerinden yapilmakta! Lutfen sitesini kayit icin ziyaret edin!'
success: '&2Basariyla kaydoldun!'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Bir yetkili seni kayit etti; tekrardan giris yap'
# Password errors on registration
match_error: '&cSifre eslesmiyor, tekrar deneyin!'
name_in_password: '&cSifrenize adinizi koyamazsiniz, lutfen farkli bir sifre secin...'
unsafe_password: '&cSectiginiz sifre guvenli degil, lutfen farkli bir sifre secin...'
forbidden_characters: '&4Sifrenizde izin verilmeyen karakterler bulunmakta. Izin verilen karakterler: %valid_chars'
wrong_length: '&cSenin sifren ya cok kisa yada cok uzun! Lutfen farkli birsey dene!'
# Login
command_usage: '&cKullanim: /login <sifre>'
wrong_password: '&cYanlis sifre!'
success: '&2Giris basarili!'
login_request: '&cLutfen giris komutunu kullanin "/login <sifre>"'
timeout_error: '&4Giris izni icin verilen zaman suresini astigin icin sunucudan atildin, tekrar deneyin!'
# Errors
denied_command: '&cSuanda bu komutu kullanamazsin!'
denied_chat: '&cSuanda sohbeti kullanamazsin!'
unregistered_user: '&cBu oyuncu kayitli degil!'
not_logged_in: '&cGiris yapmadin!'
no_permission: '&4Bunu yapmak icin iznin yok!'
unexpected_error: '&4Beklenmedik bir hata olustu, yetkili ile iletisime gecin!'
max_registration: '&cSen maksimum kayit sinirini astin (%reg_count/%max_acc %reg_names)!'
logged_in: '&cZaten giris yaptin!'
kick_for_vip: '&3Bir VIP oyuna giris yaptigi icin atildin!'
tempban_max_logins: '&cBir cok kez yanlis giris yaptiginiz icin gecici olarak banlandiniz.'
# AntiBot
kick_antibot: 'AntiBot koruma modu aktif! Birkac dakika sonra tekrar girmeyi deneyin.'
auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotServis] Saldiri oldugu icin AntiBot aktif edildi!'
auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotServis] AntiBot, %m dakika sonra deaktif edilecek!'
# Unregister
success: '&cKayit basariyla kaldirildi!'
command_usage: '&cKullanim: /unregister <sifre>'
# Other messages
account_not_activated: '&cHeabiniz henuz aktif edilmemis, e-postanizi kontrol edin!'
password_changed: '&2Sifre basariyla degistirildi!'
logout: '&2Basariyla cikis yaptin!'
reload: '&2Ayarlar ve veritabani yenilendi!'
usage_change_password: '&cKullanim: /changepassword <eskiSifre> <yeniSifre>'
accounts_owned_self: 'Sen %count hesaba sahipsin:'
accounts_owned_other: 'Oyuncu %name %count hesaba sahip:'
# Session messages
valid_session: '&2Oturuma girisiniz otomatikmen yapilmistir.'
invalid_session: '&cIP adresin degistirildi ve oturum suren doldu!'
# Error messages when joining
same_ip_online: 'Oyunda sizin ipnizden giren biri bulunmakta!'
same_nick_online: '&4Senin isminde bir oyuncu sunucuda bulunmakta!'
name_length: '&4Senin ismin ya cok kisa yada cok uzun!'
characters_in_name: '&4Senin isminde uygunsuz karakterler bulunmakta. Izin verilen karakterler: %valid_chars'
kick_full_server: '&4Sunucu suanda dolu, daha sonra tekrar deneyin!'
country_banned: '&4Senin bolgen sunucudan yasaklandi!'
not_owner_error: 'Bu hesabin sahibi degilsin. Lutfen farkli bir isim sec!'
invalid_name_case: 'Oyuna %valid isminde katilmalisin. %invalid ismini kullanarak katilamazsin.'
quick_command: 'You used a command too fast! Please, join the server again and wait more before using any command.'
# Email
add_email_request: '&3Lutfen hesabinize eposta adresinizi komut ile ekleyin "/email add <eposta> <tekrarEposta>"'
usage_email_add: '&cKullanim: /email add <eposta> <tekrarEposta>'
usage_email_change: '&cKullanim: /email change <eskiEposta> <yeniEposta>'
new_email_invalid: '&cGecersiz yeni eposta, tekrar deneyin!'
old_email_invalid: '&cGecersiz eski eposta, tekrar deneyin!'
invalid: '&cGecersiz eposta, tekrar deneyin!'
added: '&2Eposta basariyla kullaniciniza eklendi!'
add_not_allowed: '&cAdding email was not allowed'
request_confirmation: '&cLutfen tekrar epostanizi giriniz!'
changed: '&2Epostaniz basariyla degistirildi!'
change_not_allowed: '&cChanging email was not allowed'
email_show: '&2Suanki eposta adresin: &f%email'
no_email_for_account: '&2Bu hesapla iliskili bir eposta bulunmuyor.'
already_used: '&4Eposta adresi zaten kullaniliyor.'
incomplete_settings: 'Hata: Gonderilen epostada bazi ayarlar tamamlanmis degil. Yetkili ile iletisime gec.'
send_failure: 'Eposta gonderilemedi. Yetkili ile iletisime gec.'
change_password_expired: 'You cannot change your password using this command anymore.'
email_cooldown_error: '&cKisa bir sure once eposta gonderildi. Yeni bir eposta almak icin %time beklemelisin.'
# Password recovery by email
forgot_password_hint: '&3Sifreni mi unuttun ? Komut kullanarak ogrenebilirsin "/email recovery <eposta>"'
command_usage: '&cKullanim: /email recovery <Eposta>'
email_sent: '&2Sifreniz epostaniza gonderildi! Lutfen eposta kutunuzu kontrol edin!'
code_sent: 'Sifre sifirlama kodu eposta adresinize gonderildi.'
incorrect: 'Kod dogru degil! Kullanim "/email recovery [eposta]" ile yeni bir kod olustur'
tries_exceeded: 'You have exceeded the maximum number attempts to enter the recovery code. Use "/email recovery [email]" to generate a new one.'
correct: 'Recovery code entered correctly!'
change_password: 'Please use the command /email setpassword <new password> to change your password immediately.'
# Captcha
usage_captcha: '&3Giris yapmak icin guvenlik kodunu komut yazarak girin "/captcha %captcha_code"'
wrong_captcha: '&cYanlis guvenlik kodu, kullanim sekli "/captcha %captcha_code" sohbete yazin!'
valid_captcha: '&2Guvenlik kodu dogrulandi!'
captcha_for_registration: 'To register you have to solve a captcha first, please use the command: /captcha %captcha_code'
register_captcha_valid: '&2Valid captcha! You may now register with /register'
# Verification code
code_required: '&3This command is sensitive and requires an email verification! Check your inbox and follow the email''s instructions.'
command_usage: '&cUsage: /verification <code>'
incorrect_code: '&cIncorrect code, please type "/verification <code>" into the chat, using the code you received by email'
success: '&2Your identity has been verified! You can now execute all commands within the current session!'
already_verified: '&2You can already execute every sensitive command within the current session!'
code_expired: '&3Your code has expired! Execute another sensitive command to get a new code!'
email_needed: '&3To verify your identity you need to link an email address with your account!!'
# Time units
second: 'saniye'
seconds: 'saniye'
minute: 'dakika'
minutes: 'dakika'
hour: 'saat'
hours: 'saat'
day: 'gun'
days: 'gun'
# Two-factor authentication
code_created: '&2Gizli kodunuz %code. Buradan test edebilirsin, %url'
confirmation_required: 'Please confirm your code with /2fa confirm <code>'
code_required: 'Please submit your two-factor authentication code with /2fa code <code>'
already_enabled: 'Two-factor authentication is already enabled for your account!'
enable_error_no_code: 'No 2fa key has been generated for you or it has expired. Please run /2fa add'
enable_success: 'Successfully enabled two-factor authentication for your account'
enable_error_wrong_code: 'Wrong code or code has expired. Please run /2fa add'
not_enabled_error: 'Two-factor authentication is not enabled for your account. Run /2fa add'
removed_success: 'Successfully removed two-factor auth from your account'
invalid_code: 'Invalid code!'
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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