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so I'm gonna teach u the difference between these & those alright ?
first thing u should know that :
"These" is the plural form of "This" / & "Those" is the plural form of "That"
also to finally understand how not to mess up between these & those u should completely aware the difference between this & that it's easy :

*U use "This" to refer to a thing (شيء واحد) / person : Close in distance (قريب من حيث المسافة) from U, or when you're talking about a situation/experience that happened to u in very close in time (يعني موقف أو تجربة في حياتك اليومية حصلت لك في فترة زمنية قريبة ).
*As for "These" it's the same deal as "This" it's just the plural form so U use to refer to many Things or persons (people) near to U /situations or experiences close in time .

►I hope u get this part so far , here some Examples ^^ cutiepie♥ :
_ This "book" (مفرد/شيء واحد) over here (يعني قريب منك) "is" really expensive but looks interesting to read .
_These "bookS" (جمع/عدة أشياء) over here (يعني قريب منك) "are" really expensive but looks interesting to read .
_This kid is so cute .
_These days i hardly fall asleep .
_This day been extremely tiring .(تجربة قريبة زمنيا )

*U use "That" to refer to a thing/person : Far away in distance from U
(بعيد عنك من حيث المسافة ) ,or when you're referring to a situation/experience that happened to u in long time ago. ( تجربة أو موقف حصل لك من وقت بعيد ,ممكن تكون منذ عدة أيام/أسابيع/أشهر/سنين)

►Here some Examples ^^ ,hope by now u actually can tell the difference or how to use them in sentences :
_That shoe (مفرد) we saw in the previous store (يعني أصلا شفتي الحذاء كان قريب منك وقتها لكن حاليا بعيد ) would match the skirt I bought few days ago .
/// __This shoe would match my skirt right ? : فرضا أنك في المحل يعني الحذاء قريب منك تصير الجملة///
_That girl over there (بعيدة عنك) looks familiar .
_That day I knew I had to visit my friend, but I had no time . (تجربة بعيدة زمنيا)
►Same thing for plural form of That which is "Those"
_Those shoeS (جمع) "are" new aren't they ? ,let's take a look at them .
_Those two kids playing over there are tweens .
_Those weeks i been to my grandma's were really fun ,I miss her .
(إذا قرأ أحد هذه الجملة يفهم أنك تشيرين لأسابيع مرت منذ وقت طويل)

*So in conclusion :
►This مفرد/These جمع : thing(s)/person(s)/situation(s) that is Close →to U (in space or time )
►Thatمفرد/Those جمع : thing(s)/person(s)/situation(s) that is Far →→→→→from U (in space or time )
►This/These # That/those
►There # here

☼ I hope everything is clear ;__; !,i made this in eng with some arabic i tried to do it all in arabic but idk it felt weird LOL ;;;; , If u don't get something here or there let me know ^^,This has been Sensei (;v;) ♥

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