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An event will be favorable to you emotionally speaking. This event will occur at your workplace. It has to do with a person (m/f) who is older than you and who has authority over you. This person loves you in a very special way. The love they have for you meets some of your needs and desires that are among your most precious. This person has the potential of having you experience great moments of enchantment. They will take an initiative that will lead you to leave your comfort zone. If you let them act, you will experience intense pleasure. You will feel uprooted from your world, but you will be able to let yourself be guided without any danger. Here, art, intuition, fantasy and abandon will arouse euphoria and excitement. Fire and water interact together inexplicably to create effervescence and ecstasy at the same time. This event will be extraordinary and will leave you with an imperishable memory (immense joy).
An animal will help you get through a test. It's an animal that lives in your house or that you're near to every day. It can avert you from dangers that lie in wait for you, and it has the capacity to kindle a spiritual force in you that's dominant in various ways. This animal communicates with you through a subconscious link that you have with it. It's an omen of peace and health for you. It can support you through illness just as well as it can ease your internal suffering. It will bring you wealth and prosperity of the sole in your worst moments of uncertainty, as well as during the happiest times of your life.
You will renew contact with a woman that is distant to you socially and of whom you were very fond, or who was a great friend of yours, during your youth. You will relive once again the joy or happiness experienced with her several years ago and which marked you a lot. You have not seen, or barely seen, this woman for a very long time and your happiness concerning the reunion promises to be great. On the other hand, even if it will sadden you both, you will not have the opportunity to prolong this magical moment, as this woman will have to leave again (it is equally possible that it will be you that will have to leave). You will retain a virtual connection (Internet or other), but the physical, geographical or social constraints will not allow you to see each other again on a regular basis. Although you will not see each other very often, you will have other great moments to experience together in the future. You have a great deal of affection for this woman and this affection is mutual. You have a lot in common, but your destiny is different.
An offer was made to you, but you will need a guarantee. A young woman is showing a sensitivity that she does not usually have with you. In fact, she is showing herself to be more tolerant and less impatient. This young woman seems to have evolved towards greater maturity, but she still has much to do to (really) earn your confidence. You need a commitment on her part to be convinced that she is on the right track. Although she is doing everything to win your esteem, you have to stay on your guard because of her desire to impress you and to show herself to be as fit as you in various tasks. She has certainly not yet reached the level of wisdom that you expect from her, and as such you will continue to have to guide her. However, given her good will, it will soon be time for you to get used to give her more responsibilities, because this is what she needs the most to grow and become the person that you want her to become.
After a period of uncertainty, you are more conscious than ever of your needs. You can better distinguish the difference between illusion and reality, and you can now rely fully on your physical perceptions as much as your mental ones. An entity from another world invites you to continue your spiritual training, and to share your experiences with a person who loves you and whose star sign is Gemini. You have other stages to get through in your search for new knowledge, and this person is destined to accompany you in your journey. Hidden concepts: wound, emotional shock, return of hope, ocean, love, Monday, night, month of June.
You are drawn by an extraordinary achievement. Your ideas seem to be contradictory, yet they connect in a way that is difficult to put into words. Their apparent opposition is fascinating and makes them even more remarkable. Even if others do not understand your goals, you should not doubt their feasibility. Your dreams may be grand but they can be achieved. You have a great will and you should not let yourself be discouraged by people who do not believe in your potential. You are stronger than them and you should ignore them. Your place is above them, far above in a place of prodigious creation that they are not aware of but that you have the ability to reach. Do not be afraid of your power, for it was given to you by a very great supernatural entity, capable of annihilating all of your enemies with its will alone. You are protected by forces beyond this world and you are a beloved creature. Key concepts: park, flowers, traffic, walkers, kindness, sincerity, perfection, supernatural woman, feeling, forthcoming change, bravery, emotional shock, anxiety, purity, astrological sign of Aquarius, great achievement, divinity, Friday, night, month of May.

An unpleasant situation has been going on for truly too long. You are going to have to backtrack in order to resolve a problem that has to be dealt with at its source. You have put excessive trust in a man who is proud and vain. This man is about the same age as you and you’ve known him for a long time. It seems that you once again put yourself in a foolish situation on account of him. However, even if over several years you have had the annoying habit of believing everything he has told you, today you’ve largely learned to tell apart what is true and what is false in what comes out of his mouth. This man is to all intents and purposes a pathological liar with limitless ambition. It’s happening again that you are letting yourself be fooled by him, simply because you don’t want to take the risk of ignoring something that may be true. However, you will need to show even greater perspicacity than you have shown until now, since he keeps succeeding in generating doubt in your mind. You need to understand that you have already learned several lessons from your relationship with him, so it is indisputable that you should be capable of better judging the circumstances behind what he says. Of course, you can’t anticipate everything, but there are certain signs in the way he expresses himself that betray him. So, be even more vigilant – you clearly have the opportunity and the ability.
You are in a crowd. You are waiting for something, but you must wait your turn. You have been waiting a long time and it is almost your turn. There are no apparent problems; you just need to be perseverant. You have already paid your dues and your membership has been accepted. You cannot give up, because you will lose your money. This wait is making you anxious and you must control your hastiness. This moment was planned for long ago and you had to obtain special authorisation. You are almost there and your patience will prove fruitful.
You will go to an island. This place is inhabited by an incredible number of birds. You will be accompanied by one or more members of your family. It will most likely be your child (or children), if not, it will be someone younger than yourself who is closely associated with your family circle. You will go to this island to find someone whom you have not seen in a very long time. This will also be a person associated with your family circle. You will be on this island to grant a wish. You will make a pact (contract, sale, purchase, verbal agreement, will, testament or otherwise) with this person. This pact will involve a very important amount of money.
You will elude a trap that has been set for you. A certain man will try to deceive you to create a situation that will harm you. This man is cruel and ruthless toward others. He is demanding and brash with almost everyone. He finds tricking people to be something fun and insignificant. Although his many wrongdoings are often of little importance, they are still hurtful and humiliate his victims. Fortunately for you, you will easily recognize such tricks and will be able to watch out for them. You will be able to guess his evil intentions and counter any adverse action that he intends to make against you.
Someone will leave again. This person has a life plan all laid out and he or she cannot stay with you. This hurts, but you understand. This is not the first time this person has left and you have always worried about them. Now you are calmer about the situation. This person has to go overseas (or to a far-away country), because it is their destiny and you can do nothing to change this. At least you know he or she will always come back to see you, because your lives are intertwined.
Your presence will be necessary or even crucial at a meeting. A major decision will be made or important news may be sent and it will concern you closely. You will need to be there to protect your interests or to be fully aware of certain things that will involve you directly. People will be targeted and you will need to act so that you will not find yourself in the dock. Certainly, you have nothing to fear, but only if you do the honor of attending this meeting. Your absence, like anyone else’s in similar circumstances, may be frowned upon or definitely misinterpreted. It is clear, then, that you cannot allow yourself to keep away from this meeting, because those who are absent may mostly be considered runaways who have something to hide and who do not want the truth to come to light
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