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Why Monopoly Is A Great Board Game For Young People
Monopoly is a popular game that involves a lot of strategy and a little bit of luck. A lot of adults love to play Monopoly, as a family game and at large gatherings. But this board game also proves beneficial to kids as well. This article will talk about two key reasons why parents should get their children involved in this board game.
#1: Monopoly Introduces Children To Grown-Up Terms That They Will Use In Later Life
There are two key concepts that kids are exposed to that will become crucial in later life: rent and mortgage. Whenever a player lands on someone else's property, they have to pay a specified amount. This becomes crucial as children grow up because they learn that in order to stay somewhere else, they must pay a monthly amount. They also learn that every place does not charge the same rent and that properties in more affluent neighborhoods cost more.
The children are also exposed to a mortgage for the first time. While the mortgage in Monopoly is different from the standard mortgage, children are at least introduced to the concept that they will receive money from the bank in consideration for their property. It's a major growth experience for children.
#2: Monopoly Will Teach Children Strategy And Management
Monopoly is a game of strategy and management on many levels. Whether it involves buying the right set of properties or watching how much money you have, there is more than luck involved in winning. For example, as children play Monopoly over a period of time, they may learn that they can win by focusing on getting properties focused around a corner is better strategy than trying to get Park Place and Boardwalk. They may also learn that focusing on the more expensive properties may not be the best strategy to winning because it drains their money and they may not get their return on investment.
Whatever the case may be, children will gain a better understanding of what approach they need to win the game as well as watching how much money they have. This is good development for a child later in life because they can take their strategy and management skills and put them to good use when it comes time to manage their money and make crucial financial decisions.

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