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Challenge Your Calculations
An engineer's career undergoes a life cycle of adjustments to roles but I believe we have a responsibility to generations to come of engineers and now we start this through our calculations. We must assume responsibility for the quality, not merely from the analysis but in addition from the calculations. Did you know that the financial costs of the making a calculation can easily encounter thousands of dollars, so have a bit respect for quality.
Try this quiz; it's just like some glossy magazine pop quiz!
Humour me, consider these questions;
1) Do that suits you doing calculations?
a. Hate it
b. Avoid it in any respect cost
c. Got to do it
d. Love it
2) Are you happy with your calculations?
a. Didn't comprehend the question
b. why not try here , I shoot for size!
c. Would like to be but have got to admit, there is something wrong.
d. Definitely. It is planned, easy to read and pleasant.
3) Have you ever picked up a calculation that made you sit up and get?
a. What planet have you been on? You don't enjoy calculations!
b. Never, only my own.
c. I read one in the past that has been good
d. Keep hoping.
4) When have you last train on MS Word?
a. waste of time, I am not a secretary.
b. Never, I hate it.
c. bought the reference, haven't had time
d. My boss is over me to do all of the training
5) When do you last train on MS Excel?
a. waste of time, I use MathCAD
b. Never, I know how to use it well
c. Everybody loves my spreadsheets
d. I am into forums and group discussions for ideas
6) When was the very last time you had any formal PC training?
a. Don't need it
b. Only lunch and learn sessions
c. Don't know what I want to know!
d. Looked up courses at college, went for Professional Development
How have you do?
Score as follows: a) zero, b) one, c) two, d) three
Imagine this. I asked these questions to sets of twenty, thirty or even more engineers. 80% of the engineers admitted they spend 80% of their time doing calculations and 80% of those admitted they didn't like whatever they were doing in their calculations. Reveal Yourself.
0-6 points: Sometimes you wonder why you are an engineer. People annoy you and you hate checking calculations. You are emerge your ways and definately will resist change in any respect costs. You spend time contemplating what else you could be doing. Fortunately, you do not really exist!
6-12 points: You often work alone and do not mention your calculations. You like to spend more time with the analysis and discover preparing the calculations are a tedious last minute task. You neglect to talk to other disciplines and spend almost no time using the designers. The idea of attempting to deadlines is just not terribly exciting.
12-18 points: You are an enthusiastic engineer open for change. You find yourself stuck inside a rut wondering how to become an improved engineer. You want to satisfy the deadlines but there is a great deal work to do and so short amount of time. Under the pressure of an deadline, you also spend a lot of your time checking calculations and wonder when it they are adequate. You know calculations are necessary tools in the trade. You look in bookshop for inspirations.
19-24 points: You are well on the best way to being a much better engineer for attempting to find the ways to further improve your calculations. You know good calculations means good engineering. Confusion and miscommunications are avoided because you look at the reader, a gamers and talk every one of the time to everyone people who have an interest in your hard work. You are a clever engineer who learned being smart.
Let us know how you've got on.
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