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Your face looks back at you
from the mirror...does it
look dry or oily or listless,
or does it look glowing and
This depends on how you
take care of your face. Start
by giving yourself 15
minutes in the morning and
15 minutes at bedtime.
Tip 1:
Take 1 tbsp of un-boiled
milk, dip a small pad of
cotton wool in this and rub
on the face gently. Use
circular movements, use
upward strokes on the neck
area. Leave this on for 15
minutes. Wash with cold
Tip 2:
Take a thick slice of
cucumber. Don't peel the
slice, rub in a circular
motion all over the face and
neck areas. Wash after 15
Tip 3:
Halve a tomato, gently rub
over face and neck and wash
after 15 minutes.
Tip 4:
Take the half of a lime peel,
from which the juice has
been extracted, rub this
firmly on the face and the
neck. Using a Scrub-(once in
3-4 days).
After washing off the milk
or juice - take a tsp of oat
bran or wheat husk or gram
flour (besan). Make a paste
with a few drops of water
and rub the face and neck
gently with this. This
sloughs away the dead cells
and gives the face a glow.
Don't use soap, just splash
on cold water that will act
as an astringent and close
the pores.
Tip 5:
Use green gram powder or
rice flour mixed with curds
Oily Skin: If the face is oily,
After a bath as a base for
make-up use some diluted
limejuice to dab on before
application of foundation or
any other make-up.
Tip 6:
Diluted buttermilk dabbed
on the face and left for 15
minutes, gently wipe with
moist cotton wool before
applying make-up.
Tip 7:
Rub the face well with an
ice cube.
Tip 8:
Slice an Apple into thin
slices. Place these on the face
and leave for 15 minutes.
These soak up the extra oil
and helps to close pores.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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