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Human Consciousness Shift in Healing
Working in the concept of alternative/complementary/integrative medicine is extreme fun at this time. A huge change in consciousness is happening for the human species and joining this movement is very exciting.
It is exciting because I am observing my clients utilizing their particular energetic fields and finding techniques to their particular issues and problems. This is huge. I am observing fears burn away with hope and empowerment. They are seeing and feeling the changes and keeping empowered correctly. They are becoming aware of their physical body responses to certain stimuli. It's like utilizing an area of knowing deep within. Some refer to this as the Soul, higher self or intuition. For me, it doesn't matter what you refer to it as long as you have it and start listening, seeing or feeling the wisdom within the message and trusting it.
A good friend of mine, once explained: "Do whatever you know to complete within the moment you realize to complete it". This is an instance of that inner trust and knowing. I've put this into action in my life and amazing everything has happened. Car accidents were avoided, long lost friends have brought me answers to a matter, e-mails have arrived from unknown sources to assist me in many different ways. It's great. This has become my new way of trusting. Trusting when an insight finds me, taking action and much more often absolutely nothing, a positive outcome appears
Every disease and illness starts within the energetic field (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions/non-actions) well before it becomes an actual physical problem within the body. If you become alert to these energetic links before the physical ailment, you will lay aside your lots of grief. You might not have learnt the lesson you're supposed to learn, but the lesson will never be as severe or as aggressive. Start trusting in yourself - your insights - thoughts, feelings, beliefs. Some of you know this, have seen it already and today trust in this procedure. Example: For some reason, you take a different path to work and hear later there is a huge motor vehicle accident on the usual route. Or perhaps you are experiencing trouble digesting the food and select to stop eating something to "see what happens" as well as your issues disappear. All good stuff right? You can apply the same principles to healing over a grand scale.
Perhaps it is your thoughts, feelings and belief systems which might be keeping you sick. You can make positive changes to energetic connections to things, people and events in the same way you are able to affect the energy in a room by opening a window. Example: Every time you peer inside mirror, you give your disgusting look and say "You are fat and ugly". With that statement, you will remain fat and ugly. But, if you'll be able to look at yourself and provides a little love and support, you've got just given yourself hope, faith and trust to accomplish something more important. I don't believe there exists a fat and ugly person on this planet - I believe we are all for grounds and it is up to us to figure it out, learn life lessons and apply this understanding how to how we function inside the World. This is the shift I am seeing inside my clients. The shift from "poor me" to "responsible me". Becoming conscious of your human experience is as much as you to definitely create and get.
How to you start to shift your individual consciousness? Start by quieting your ideas for a couple of minutes on a daily basis. Take 5-15 minutes daily to focus on your breathe and clear your head chatter (thoughts). This will help you utilize your greatest power (your inner strength). Listen to the silence and identify if you'll find any insights, actions or non-actions you have to focus on. The messages might be cryptic or clear. You are looking for your things which can be helpful for your requirements not damaging to yourself kinds. Example: Your insight might say, you will need some outdoors by the ocean. Easy to accomplish if you are living through the ocean, harder should you not, but the walk down by the river will do or perhaps you should take action in planning your annual Ocean retreat... What ever check my reference , don't be surprised if the friend brings up the retreat idea or a walk from the river before you have even a possiblity to act in your own insight. Before you already know it, you recruit a large amount in your usual trip and are squishing white sand relating to the toes, or watching the fish jump inside river. Be conscious that inaction is additionally an action. By resisting the suggestion with a family member or friend to go for that walk through the ringer you will be missing out on a piece of the human puzzle piece. Perhaps you just missed out on running into a vintage friend who's recruiting someone like yourself on her behalf company, which is your dream job. Or perhaps you get the eating your grandmother gave you that you just lost monthly earlier. The options are endless. But it is around you to take the action out of your insights.
Go on, Give it a try. Take 5 minutes to take advantage of your inner wisdom. Every day (or night) for your next month or so, take some time, close up your eyes and merely breathe. Set an intention (see setting intention article) if you need and see what comes up. Have fun discovering shifting your own energy field and human consciousness.
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