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Ripe Bananas are one of the
most popular fruit which is
available in all season just love
it.It’s a healthy fruits which is
including vitamins A,B,C and E
with minerals such as
potassium, zinc, iron and
manganese. Add it in your
daily diet and keep healthy
yourself. Do you know, how
you can use banana as a beauty
ingredient? Let’s discuss some
beauty tips of banana.
1 - Take half ripe banana, mash
it, and apply on your face and
neck. Keep it for 20-25
minutes. Wash off with Luke
warm water. It’s a natural
moisturizer for dry skin. If you
have very dry or dull skin, you
can add honey. This banana
helps to remove black
2 – Mash ripe banana, add 2 tsp
lemon juice, mix well, and
apply on your face and neck.
Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash
off with warm water.You will
get glowing face. This face mask
helps in reduction of spots and
3 – Add sugar with mash ripe
banana, apply on your face,
and massage it in circular
motion. Then wash off your
face. It’s a natural scrubbing
cream. Banana works as a
moisturizer and sugar helps to
remove dead cell.
4 – Mash avocado and banana,
apply on your skin, and leave it
for 20 minutes. Then wash off.
This pack works as an anti-
aging cream. Try this pack at
home, say good bye for aging
5 - Say good bye for puffy eyes.
Mash half a banana and apply
around your puffy eyes. Let it
sit for 10-15 minutes, wash it
with cold water. The puffiness
will vanish instantly.
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Regards; Team

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