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Financial securities fraud, also called investment fraud and stock fraud, is an illegal practice in the futures and options markets that causes investors to make an unauthorized purchase or sell decisions based on false information, often resulting in serious financial loss. Fraudsters are always on the look out for vulnerable people who are naive enough to believe them. Financial security advisors are the first line of defense against financial fraud. They educate and advise investors, helping them avoid falling into the hands of fraudulent individuals and providing legal representation to those who are charged with financial crimes. Some MAH Advising firms provide their clients with a team of financial fraud lawyers and other securities fraud defense professionals who can advise and represent them in law enforcement proceedings.
Fraud can have many effects. One of its most severe effects is the kind of financial blow that it can cause to an individual's reputation. MAH Advising about an individual's financial health can cause investors to lose confidence in that person and may result in him or her being unable to receive further credit from others. This can seriously impact a person's ability to get a mortgage or a credit card. It can even prevent that person from having access to other financial products such as insurance.

As such, securities fraud is committed by people and companies who have ill intention. Fraudsters usually target financially sophisticated individuals such as wealthy retirement or business retirement planners, bank account investors, credit unions, insurance agents, real estate brokers, and investment adviser planners. Some fraudsters go as far as falsifying their educational credentials or income information. In addition, some fraudulent investors intentionally submit false claims on their tax returns.

The problem of securities fraud is relatively new. However, it has become more widespread over time as the Internet has developed. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been trying to slow down the increase of this type of fraud by publishing more information and creating an environment where brokerage firms and other investment advisers can't be so easily victimized. However, there are still ways for investors to become victims of investment fraud. Below is some advice for investors who are exposed to securities fraud.

Consult your financial advisor If you are an investor who is dealing with a troubled financial situation, then it's best that you ask advice from a professional before taking any action. You should know how to approach your broker, since you will be communicating quite a few times with him or her throughout the year. There should be a dedicated phone number that you can call to report concerns about any investment transactions. Ask your broker about commissions, minimum investments, minimum monthly deposits, and other fees. Get all of your questions answered so you can make an informed decision about which investments are right for you.

Look out for changes in your portfolio When you see an advertisement for a new investment opportunity, check it out. You should always make sure that the investment you're investing in is sound and that you have a plan for getting out once the investment takes a turn for the worse. Some investors may be looking for short-term profits at any cost, and this type of behavior may lead them to invest in investment schemes that involve investment fraud. Anytime you hear about a new investment opportunity, make sure you research it thoroughly. This will allow you to protect your money and your retirement savings.
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