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Within the next week or 2 if the Delta does not abate. I just spoke with a very good friend at Cleveland Clinic who is on a the nationwide covid response team.

This is a network of the top hospitals in the US. CC, Mayo, Mass Gen, etc.

The southeast is about to get absolutely f*****. They cannot keep turning away other emergencies for the unvaxxed. As I stated in another thread, the issue is not "space" ie turning the parking lot into a make shift hospital, it is that there is a SEVERE shortage of people to man these beds/icu units.

At CC FL, 98.6% of all in hospital with Covid are unvaxxed rn. The other 1.4% are mostly very olds, cancer. etc.

If you are lucky enough to be admitted unvaxxed, they will begin using the decision trees to decide whether to let you die or not, to give treatment to other who are "more likely to survive and recover."

Also, aside from the hospital issue, expect many companies to start implementing what Delta Air Lines just did this morning, higher health insurance costs for the unvaxxed. And it's not cheap, $200 extra per month for the unvaxxed.
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Regards; Team

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