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It was 12:00 when foxy had heard the big news!
He was being repaired.
The animatronics went to celebrate foxy, but the construction men we're already repairing foxy.
When foxy was repaired and the construction men were gone, foxy was brand new and looking good!
"Freddy!It be happy too see ye" said foxy happily "You too buddy!" said freddy looking out the doors and windows waiting for the vixen to arive.
Foxy was confused... "what ye be waitin' for, freddy?"
Freddy turned to foxy "I heard your getting a ship-mate foxy!"
Foxy grew wide-eyed and gulped "A-a Vi-Vixen!?" said foxy looking scared and nervous
"Yup! she sounds like a fun vixen. I heard her name was Vixi"
"Vixi?" said foxy "Ye mean... Vixi The pirate vixen!? Aye i heard of such a beauty"
Freddy got confused "What? Do you know her?" said freddy "Aye lad! I heard of vixi.. She is said to be wild and fun. I have no clue what that means..." said foxy "it probably means wild in the bed. if ya know what i mean" freddy nudged his elbow on foxy's shoulder "aye..." foxy said nervously and scared he thought of being in bed with vixi "Vixi.. i will have to ask the lass if she is interested in such a torn up fox like me"
Freddy laughed "Haha.. you aren't torn up anymore! remember foxy?" foxy looked down at his torso and laughed "aye! now i remember!"
later that evening a big truck arived at Freddy FazBears Pizzaria! foxy looked out and saw a box. "OH that must be vixi.." foxy walked to the front doors to greet vixi. the construction men walked in with a dolly holding a big box. the construction men opened the box and foxy walked towards the box. "OHHHH She be a beauty!" said foxy staring at her.
Vixi was put togethor and her power orb was placed inside her chest.
She stood up looking around. She saw foxy and was put in a trance. Foxy turned his head side-ways and vixi stopped staring. "Oh my bad, sorry for staring" said vixi
"Ay-Aye lassie. It be fine" foxy stuttered. Vixi looked around and saw chica bonnie freddy and golden Freddy
"hello everyone!" she said smiling "HI!!" said the other animatronics chica rolled her eyes "hi... i'm going to go make a cake" she said angrily. foxy was suprised chica was upset she wasn't the only girl.
"aye you do that chica" said foxy smiling. chica thought he meant 'yes yes do whatever i dont care' she started sobbing quietly.
foxy showed vixi around the pirate cove. they went to the top of foxy's ship and layed togethor.
vixi looked at foxy "wanna get crazy before the kids get here foxy?"
Foxy was suprised "sure lassie. lets get it on" foxy said shyly and weird like he'd never said that before.
Foxy showed her a private room where no one knew about it but him and now vixi.
Vixi looked in suprise "well wheres the bed?!" said vixi. foxy pushed a button witch played romantic music.
a bed camed down from the ceiling "aye. There be your bed" he raised his eyebrows up. vixi threw him onto the bed and took both they're pants off.
foxy layed there happily looking at vixi. vixi took foxy by the shoulders and swung him around onto her.
Foxy kissed vixi and thrusted slowly. Freddy began to be worried. "Good god! wheres foxy!?" golden freddy pointed to a window that was playing slow romantic music. "oh" said freddy, golden freddy teleported freddy to the window. they both looked inside in shock. "Aye lassie am i doin' it hard enough for ye?"
said foxy "Mhmm but go harder!" foxy thrusted harder. freddy and golden freddy stared and fell of the ship.
Foxy looked at the window and looked back. he stared down. "Uh oh.."
He said "what? what is it?" said vixi "nothing lassi-"
Foxy began to cum oil.

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