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Wedding Business Names - How to Name Your Wedding Business...

What’s in a name?
<br>A lot actually - especially in the wedding business because when you're choosing your wedding business' name you'll find it's a critical step when establishing your wedding planning business' reputation as well as future success.
<br>In fact, it really is all in the wording - the naming is the ultimate sound bite when it comes to launching your new wedding planning business.
<br>It’s the identity in which you’ll build a relationship with your customers, as well as being a reflection of your brand, and it can also help you stand out in your business space in the years to come.
<br>Wedding business names can actually be a work of true art - but of course, you also have to take into account practical limitations like if the domain or trademark is available - you might not end up with the exact name you envisioned. It’s similar to house hunting - you know what you want but you might have to adapt a bit...
<br>All in the Name
<br>When it comes to throwing a dream wedding, there is hardly enough that can be said about hiring a great wedding planner.
<br>'Choose a job that you like, and you will never have to work a day in your life.' -Confucius, Philosopher
<br>Creatively calligraphed wedding invitations, following up those annoying RSVPs, studiously-styled tablescapes planned to the last dessert spoon, and a sparkler-filled farewell complete with the perfect photos being captured is all just part of the wedding planner service.
<br>So, while these moments may, and do, seem as though they happened just by mere magic to guests, any married couple knows that every single element took months of meticulous event planning. And that’s not even mentioning anything of the precision and patience necessary to pull off each detail.
<br>Because throwing a unique wedding is a Herculean task and any couple would be wise to hand over the heavy lifting to the pros.
<br>So, to put so much into your dream wedding company, means you need a business name that reflects what you do. When you're coming up with business name ideas then, make sure it's not so random it's impossible to know it's wedding related!
<br>Create your Brand
<br>A successful wedding planning business is therefore based on a unique brand of phenomenal event planning, and with new wedding planners constantly appearing, having a particular niche and a brand help you to catch your clients’ eye.
<br>You could, for example, focus on only working with clients who want a big wedding with hundreds of guests or instead cater to people who want to get married in a more intimate setting of a nature reserve.
<br>It's therefore important when you're coming up with business name ideas to think about:
<br>· Your particular niche - what sets you apart from the others in the wedding business, and makes you the wedding planning business someone should choose?
<br>· Your logo - you should opt for a good logo that is simple, easy to remember, and unique.
<br>· The overall visual look of your new business which includes other web design elements like the colour palette and kind of typography you will be using.
<br>· The tone and voice of your brand. What does your wedding business sound like when you talk to potential clients or to the people visiting your website? Do you stand out for anything in particular?
<br>Business Name Ideas
<br>So, finding the right name for your startup can have a significant impact on your wedding company's overall success.
<br>The wrong wedding business names can do far worse than fail to connect with potential customers - they can also result in insurmountable business and legal hurdles.
<br>On the other hand, a clear, powerful business name can be extremely helpful in your wedding company's marketing and branding efforts.
<br>Here are some helpful suggestions on how to come up with a winning business name for your wedding company:
<br>Avoid hard-to-spell names
<br>It's important that you don't come up with such a difficult business name, not only to say but to spell as well - this can be a real turn-off for potential customers when searching for you online.
<br>Don’t choose a name that could be limiting as your business grows
<br>Picking too narrow a business name may cause you problems further down the road.
<br>You also don’t want to limit your business name to a particular product or a specific city, as who knows how things may pan out for you as you develop?
<br>Finding the right business name for your wedding company startup can have a significant impact on your long-term success, a clear, strong name can be extremely useful in your branding efforts.
<br>Conduct a Thorough Internet Search
<br>Once you have determined a business name you like, do a web search on your favourite name choice. Unfortunately, you will usually find that someone else is already using that particular business name. While that won’t be a total showstopper, it should give you time to rethink and try to come up with something more original.
<br>Get the .com Domain Name
<br>What’s the Availability?
<br>Don't settle on a name until you’ve checked to see if it is available as a domain name and across ALL current social media channels.
<br>The hardest thing is when you have to change the way your name looks across different mediums as it makes it really hard for your clients to find you.
<br>Even if you decide not to use certain platforms you can still create an account with your chosen name - that way you own it and if you ever change your mind it’s there ready for you to use.
<br>Try to secure the '.com' domain name for your wedding company names rather than alternatives such as .net, .org, .biz, or other possible domain extensions.
<br>Customers tend to associate a .com name with a more established business. Realistically, someone will already own your desired .com name, but many domain owners are willing to sell their name for the right price.
<br>Think of acquiring the .com name you want as a business investment - you can check on the availability of a domain name on sites such as or, and if the domain name is taken, you can often track down the owner of the domain name and see if they are willing to sell it by using the 'Whois' tool at GoDaddy or Network Solutions.
<br>It's also important to make sure to grab your desired business name on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
<br>Nowadays the key factor is whether you can get the domain name for it – because no matter how brilliantly appropriate the name, if you can’t get the matching website address, then your business is doomed before it begins.
<br>If Did you see this? aren't able to find you online, the minute your business becomes successful, the original owner of the matching website address will try to sell it to you for a very large sum of money.
<br>Think, too, about what sort of identity you want your company to have. Do you want to be seen as a cool funky cutting-edge kind of business, for example, or would you prefer to be seen as solid, dependable and reliable? What is the core idea of the company?
<br>Ideally, your business name should simply be an extension of the company’s viewpoint.
<br>Use a Business Name that Has Some Meaning
<br>Ideally, you want the business name to convey something meaningful and positive related to your wedding business.
<br>Can people instantly get what your business is about? Does it sound as though you're in the wedding business? While meaningless names like 'Google,' or 'Zappos' have some appeal due to their catchiness, these kinds of names will cost you a lot more to market and brand.
<br>What you ideally want is a business name that is helpful for search engine optimization purposes - you should opt to have keywords in your name ideas that are relevant to the wedding business.
<br>Make sure, too, that you choose a name for your business that is flexible enough and non-specific enough to withstand unplanned changes in the direction of your products or services.
<br>Otherwise, you will either have to change your business name – painful – or live with the consequences.
<br>Carry Out a Trademark Search
<br>Do a search at to get an idea as to whether you can get a trademark or service mark for the name you want for your wedding business.
<br>Is the Name Catchy?
<br>You obviously don’t want a boring name for your wedding planning business, but you also don’t want to choose something that’s too 'out there, that could frighten people off.
<br>Perhaps use words that start with the same letters so they roll off the tongue well, and are more memorable. Use rhythmic pronunciation or alliteration such as Bridal Bliss, Nuptial Needs...
<br>You'll want your employees to be able to say where they work without hesitation, and you want your name to resonate with your target audience.
<br>Sometimes business names seem fine on paper but sound awful when they're said aloud. And if it’s said aloud, make sure people aren’t confused as to how it’s spelt.
<br>Get Feedback on Your Name
<br>Do an analysis of your ideas. Remove any names that could be hard to remember, spell or said aloud.
<br>Keep names that are brand-able, sound great, are memorable and communicate your brand values, product or service to your target audience.
<br>Ask yourself:
<br>· Is the name simple and easy to remember?
<br>· Are the wedding business names easy to read and to say aloud?
<br>· Is the name different from your competitors?
<br>· Does the name convey a relevant meaning?
<br>· Does the name avoid overused words or cliches?
<br>Make Sure you are Personally Happy with the Wedding Business Names You Choose...
<br>You, as the business owner will have to live with the business name for a long time, so make sure you are happy with it and that you believe it will resonate with your customers.
<br>Take the time to get it right from the start.
<br>Wedding Company Names
<br>Before you start playing with business name ideas you need to do a little bit of homework - look at what your competition is called, and go one better!
<br>A Little Bit of Planning
<br>· Grab a notepad and write down between 10-20 words or adjectives that you want people to associate with your business.
<br>· Now do the same again but this time list words or phrases of things you love, that people associate with you. If you love flowers, then put that word on the business name ideas' list. Don’t filter yourself at this point. List as many as you can think of.
<br>· Next describe what products or services you offer your clients and the job roles you allocate yourself - keep it short and simple such as wedding planning, styling, designer etc.
<br>· Time to put those business name ideas and words under the ideal client microscope - look at what you’ve written and only pull across those words that you know would resonate with your ideal client.
<br>· The final piece of the puzzle is to start combining those words – try and create as many combinations as you can.
<br>Keep it Simple
<br>Don’t overcomplicate it or try to be too clever - ff you’re a wedding planner then say that in your name. The same principle applies if you’re do styling, catering or floral design.
<br>You don’t have long to make an impression, so make it easy. It’s tempting to want to choose a power name or one word, but unless you’re Apple, Google or Nike it isn’t going to help.
<br>Don’t Be Generic
<br>In the wedding industry there is such overuse of words like elegant, unique, luxury, and special.
<br>If you use those words, you’ll run the risk of sounding like every other wedding planner, stylist or designer out there.
<br>So, make sure your wedding business name is memorable, easy to say and trips of the tongue. A great example in the wedding business blogging world is ‘Rock n Roll Bride’ – you remember it and you know what you’re getting.
<br>Are YOU the Brand?
<br>Many wedding pros use their own name within the name of their brand - at the end of the day for many this makes sense because you are the brand.
<img width="431" src="">
<br>Try combining your name with the words you’ve come up with above and see what you think. Try it on for size. At least you know that nobody else has it.
<br>Wedding Planner Names
<br>And finally...
<br>The best advice is not to hurry this process - draw up a shortlist of three and let them sit for a while -take a break and come back to them after a few days and then see which one naturally grabs your attention.
<br>Take the time to get it right right from the start - after all, it's you that has to live with it!

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