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Stranger: Would you like to rp?

You: yea!

Stranger: Are you a seme or an uke?

You: uke mostly but i can play seme

Stranger: Could you? I'm an uke o3o

You: yep!

Stranger: Do you have any rp no nos and kik?

You: i'm sorry what?

Stranger: Anything you won't do in an rp

Stranger: Stuff you aren't ok with

You: oh!

You: okay

You: not really i'll do anything

Stranger: Ok and then kik. Do you have it?

You: no sorry

Stranger: That's fine

You: but we can use email

Stranger: Do you have any ideas? I have a few.

You: okay lets hear them

Stranger: Well first off I mostly do more fantasy type stuff

You: okay so like vampires and shit

Stranger: One idea I have is between a scientist and a homunculus. Basically a boy he created and is trying to teach how to be human.

You: cool! what are your other ones?

Stranger: Another one is between an angel and an angel hunter (or demon and demon hunter)

You: aww that ones cute too!

You: any others?

Stranger: And then I have an idea for an rp between a human and a creature of the night (werewolf, vampire, monster, anything really)

Stranger: If you have any ideas I'm all ears

You: okay they're a little dumb

You: but

You: I have one with a vampire and a werewolf (NOT BASED ON TWILIGHT)

You: then theres another with a creature prince and an creature survant (like vampires demons mosters that shit)

You: yeah... aparently i like vamps today

Stranger: Mm.. So which one do you want to do? I'm fine with any of them

You: same i really can't deside between creature prince/survant or all of yours

Stranger: Well.. I've been wanting to do the homunculus one recently so we could do that one if you want

You: yep!

Stranger: Could we start then? It's pretty late and I'd rather like to start then do descriptions right noe

You: okay can you start?

Stranger: Yeah, it won't show me typing btw

You: okay thx

Stranger: The being floated around in his tube of liquid. He wasn't human.. Well he was but.. He had no Mother or Father. He extremely young for his size. He wasn't a normal human. He learned incredibly quick. No one could even hope to come close to him. If given the opportunity he could learn whole languages in mere days. So far he'd only been able to pick up certain words and phrases. Maybe when he was finally removed from the place he had grown in he'd be able to completely learn it.

You: *a man in a white coat with black hair with glasses walks up to the larg tube* "soon you'll be ready...i'm very exited for you to learn everything the world has to offer..."

Stranger: His bright orange eyes opened and fixed onto the other male. He knew this man very well.. He always saw him yet he didn't know his name.. Very strange. Now that he thought about it he himself didn't even have a name.. At least not yet.

You: "tommorro's the big day... are you exited? I am..." *gives him a genuine smile*

Stranger: He tilted his head to the side. He wanted to speak but couldn't in the liquid. He wanted to know more about this big day.. Well.. Hopefully he'd find out tomorrow.. Probably.

You: "well.. i'll let you sleep i have to sleep myself... i'll see you tommorro precious.." *the man turns and leaves*

Stranger: The boy closed his eyes. He was able to merely tell himself to sleep and instantly fall into it. He floated peacefully in his tube for the next few hours.

You: *when morning came the man came back in smiling*

Stranger: He slowly opened his eyes when he heard the sound of feet walking on the floor. He looked at the man.

You: *the man smiled* "this is it.. you are finally getting out of there... are you ready...we can wait if you like?"

Stranger: He nodded slowly. He was ready, he had been in here since the day his brain was devolved enough to think and remember things.

You: "alright then here we go.." *the man put a passcode into his computer then the water started draining*

Stranger: His eyes widened. Would he be alright..? He'd never been outside of his warm, watery home. He looked at the man for some comfort.

You: *he gave him a friendly smile* "it's okay to be scared everyone is when they try something new..."

Stranger: After a few more moments the liquid was drained enough that his head was out of it. His long bright hair laid flat against his head.

You: "how does it feel..?"

Stranger: "I feel strange.." He murmured. He'd never heard his voice before.

You: *the man laughs a bit* "you'll get used to it.."

Stranger: "What is your name..?" He asked quietly as the liquid drained even more.

You: "oh.. you don't remember..well i wouldnt expect you too.. i told you it when you were only a start-development... I'm Clyde.."

Stranger: "Clyde.." He murmured but pronounced it as Cly-D. "What is my name?"

You: *the man laughed again* "well.. you don't have one... i've always just called you 'precious' .. but you can have any name you want.."

You: *smiles*

Stranger: "Precious..? That word is meaning something that you hold dear, correct..?" He asked. All the liquid was gone and he sat on the bottom of the tube.

You: "correct." *tilts his head a bit*

Stranger: "It is cold in here without the liquid.. Do I have to stay in here..?"

You: "no of course not..." *he types another passcode and the tube starts lowering*

Stranger: "Where shall I be going now? Was I created for someone?"

You: "you were created to advance in science... at first i didn't even think you would make it passed the first few tests but look at you now a living breathing human..." *he goes into a closet and comes out with long sleeve shirt and pants*

Stranger: He eyed the clothing. "Is that for me? How is a being like myself supposed help advance science..? Are there others like me?"

You: "there are a few but they arn't nearly done... you are the first succsessful being.. here take my hand" *puts his hand out to help him off of the tube bottom*

Stranger: He reached out his hand and slowly got up. His legs were weak and he wouldn't be able to stand on his own. "I feel weak.."

You: "just keep trying but don't overdo it.."

Stranger: He nodded. He took a few shaky steps forward but was still holding onto the other for support.

You: *he smiles* "there you go just like that.."

Stranger: "After this.. What are we going to do..?" (What's your email? It's late and I'm tired)

You: ([email protected])

You: (yours)

You: ?

Stranger: [email protected]

You: (cool are you leaving now?)

Stranger: (Yeah. Night)

You: (night)
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Regards; Team

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