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A Place in Florida - Let's Cheer the Lowly Possum
There's a devote Florida that built a 12-foot-high monument in the center of town to exalt the lowly possum. Now, why would anyone might like to do that?
Well, to start with, heroes are difficult to come by within this devote Florida - the Panhandle capital of scotland- Wausau, home of under 500 persons in the center of Washington County about 10 miles south of Chipley.
Why not the possum, an unlikely hero as you would expect? Nobody else puts the possum on a pedestal. Why not Wausau?
Secondly, back 1982, Wausau got fed up with being left out from the Florida lists of fun, fairs and festivals. Every put in place Florida requires a festival. And not one put in place Florida carries a Possum Festival. Why not Wausau?
If you haven't been to Washington County, you probably will think I'm making this up. If you have been to Washington County, you'll understand - and know this is the true story.
Wausau, it proved, had some pretty powerful possum politicians noisy . '80s. Here are a couple of things they accomplished:
They persuaded the Florida Legislature to proclaim the 1st Saturday in August as Possum Day in Florida. That led to the building with the monument along State Highway 77 in Wausau.
They even got the United States Congress to advertise the possum. Congress joined the fun by providing the funds for Wausau's Possum Palace so Wausau would have an area to support its annual Fun Day and Possum Festival. Featuring a queen contest and possum auction, among other things, the festival attracts thousands of people each year, and they also love it.
Time out for many educating of Northerners here. The South's possum is the same lowly animal you call opossum, (Why use seven letters when six will do?) It's a smallish marsupial that lives in trees and shows its ugly body only at night. That's why, when you find yourself inside right put in place Florida, you can hear possum hunters' dogs baying and barking. Treed by dogs, the possum 'freezes', so it's easy to trap (or shoot) one.
An inscription for the monument in the heart of Wausau cites the possum's role in providing 'both fur and food' during the entire centuries. read review goes onto say: 'Their presence here has provided an origin of nutritious and flavorful food in normal times and contains been an essential help to human survival much more distress and critical need.'
Laugh if you'd prefer. The people of Wausau will laugh along - while downing baked possum and sweet potatoes.
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