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all i ever wanted to do was have fun with my friends, but what ended up happening is quite the opposite. they started doing things that i couldn't even fathom but i eventually caved in thanks to peer pressure. Now i find myself behind a computer screen everyday with my feet dangling off my couch. I have random cravings for steak and shake and the need to walk into any store that sells rp cards. I just cant help it. When i lock in a new champion, the skins just taunt me. menacingly. so in order to get rid of this plague i just buy rp. And when i wear the skins i feel alive. But then its just onto the next champ. I already know they dont think im good at the game, and my elo is shit, but thats only because i duo'd with one of them and that was a mistake. I AM silver, i swear i am. I only got down to silver 5 because of bad teamates. Nobody knows how to play carry roles in my elo other than me. On adc, i make sure my cs is always perfect. I even go as far as to not joining teamfights because i want my stats to be as perfect as possible. I know i can help but i just dont. And when i do fight, i normally come out on top with barely any HP. As i walk away from the dead bodies on my screen i hear a ghost whipser over my shoulder: "Not even close babyyyyyy". This is my evil side. Ever since Ive seen this man play ive felt the need to poorly imitate every single quote ive heard from him. But I'm still pretty proud of it cause i think its funny. I just wish they would accept me again. Ever since I hit bronze in season 5, and i started flaming more than usual, they decided to stop playing with me. It wasnt my fault at all but they dont believe me. No one ever does. Now a days, i just go out, drink, drive recklessly to the nearest gamestop and spend my paycheck on RP. When i get home, i binge watch sneaky because that man is my idol and i hope i can be as good of an adc as he is one day. After watching him, I look at every single thing he does and what he wins with. I make sure to do exactly what he does but to no avail, i have yet to hit bronze 1. Its about to hit season 6 now, but now i have a few tricks up my sleeve. Something ive been hiding. I've finally found my true calling. Mid lane. Whenever i play veigar and i land a q, i feel so alive. And i just know, if i watch faker play veigar, ill get out of this elo hell. I'll show them, I'll fucking show them all. - DarkMagician2500
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