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// Name(s): Philip Plant
// ID(s): 07009860

// 159.240 - Assignment 3 skeleton code.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// The Ship struct
struct Ship {
float x,y; // Every ship has a position
float vx,vy; // and a velocity
int team;

// These three data members are for targeting.
// Ignore them
bool target_acquired;
bool destroyed;
Ship* target;

// Parameters for each of the rules
const float g_cohesion_desire = 0.0004f; // how much a ship wants to stick to its neighbours
const float g_cohesion_radius = 100.0f; // in what radius are ships considered neighbours for this rule

const float g_separation_radius = 5.0f; // in what radius are ships too close to each other.
const float g_separation_affinity = 0.1; // how much a ship wants to stay separated.

const float g_alignment_desire = 0.002f; // how much a ship wants to align to its neighbours
const float g_alignment_radius = 100.0f; // the radius in which ships are considered neighbours for this rule

// Some general parameters
const int g_windowWidth = 1280; // how wide is the screen
const int g_windowHeight = 800; // how high is the screen
const float g_global_speed = 0.7f; // bullets and ships are slowed by this coefficient
const float g_max_velocity = 2.5f; // no ships can go faster than this number
const float g_velocity_degrade = 1.0f; // for 1.0f, degrading the velocity (ie. friction) is disabled. Set to 0.8 to see
const bool g_friendly_fire = false; // whether or not bullets can destroy any ship

const int g_initial_agent_count = 80; // Number of ships to start with
const float g_initial_speed = 0.9f; // The initial speed of the ships
const int g_team_count = 2;

const float g_target_pursuit_coefficient = 0.05f; // how much ships try to pursue their targets

const float g_bullet_speed = 4.9f; // how fast bullets travel in one timestep
const float g_bullet_close_distance = 4.0f; // if a bullet is closer than this, then the ship explodes

// These are some global parameters that keep track of how many ships are created and destroyed
unsigned int g_ships_destroyed = 0;
unsigned int g_ships_created = g_initial_agent_count;

const float g_scale = 4.0; // The scale size of the simulation

int RandInt(int x,int y) {
return rand()%(y-x+1)+x;
double RandFloat() {
return (rand())/(RAND_MAX+1.0);

// Some Win32 code is hidden in here. Please don't change support.h
#include "support.h"

// This function just makes sure that a ship can't go faster than g_max_velocity.
// Sometimes they just disappear if we don't do this.
void ClampVelocity(Ship *s) {
if (s->vx > g_max_velocity) s->vx = g_max_velocity;
if (s->vy > g_max_velocity) s->vy = g_max_velocity;

if (s->vx < -g_max_velocity) s->vx = -g_max_velocity;
if (s->vy < -g_max_velocity) s->vy = -g_max_velocity;

// This function applies the velocity of a ship to its position to move it along.
void MoveShip(Ship *s) {
s->x += s->vx * g_global_speed;
s->y += s->vy * g_global_speed;

// This function gets the distance as a float from ship a to ship b.
float GetDistanceBetween(Ship* a, Ship* b) {
float tx = b->x - a->x;
float ty = b->y - a->y;

return sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);

//---------------- COHESION RULE ----------------
// This function adds the cohesion rule contribution to the
// velocity of the Ship pointer passed to it.
void AddCohesionRule(Ship *a) {
float avg_x, avg_y, count;
float distance = 0;
avg_x = 0;
avg_y = 0;
count = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i < g_agents.size(); i++){
distance = GetDistanceBetween(g_agents[i], a);
if(g_agents[i] != a && distance < g_cohesion_radius && g_agents[i]->team == a->team){
avg_x += (g_agents[i] -> x) - (a -> x);
avg_y += (g_agents[i] -> y) - (a -> y);
count ++;
if(count <= 0){count = 0.001;}
a -> vx += (avg_x/count)* g_cohesion_desire;
a -> vy += (avg_y/count)* g_cohesion_desire;

//---------------- SEPARATION RULE ----------------
void AddSeparationRule(Ship *a) {
float avg_x, avg_y, count;
float distance = 0;
avg_x = 0;
avg_y = 0;
count = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i < g_agents.size(); i++){
distance = GetDistanceBetween(g_agents[i], a);
if(g_agents[i] != a && distance < g_separation_radius && g_agents[i]->team == a->team){
avg_x += (g_agents[i] -> x) - (a -> x);
avg_y += (g_agents[i] -> y) - (a -> y);
count ++;
if(count <= 0){count = 0.001;}
a -> vx -= (avg_x/count)* g_separation_affinity;
a -> vy -= (avg_y/count)* g_separation_affinity;

//---------------- ALIGNMENT RULE ----------------
void AddAlignmentRule(Ship *a) {
float avg_x, avg_y, count;
float distance = 0;
avg_x = 0;
avg_y = 0;
count = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i < g_agents.size(); i++){
distance = GetDistanceBetween(g_agents[i], a);
if(g_agents[i] != a && distance < g_alignment_radius && g_agents[i]->team == a->team){
avg_x += g_agents[i] -> vx;
avg_y += g_agents[i] -> vy;
count ++;
if(count <= 0){count = 0.001;}
a -> vx += (avg_x/count)* g_alignment_desire;
a -> vy += (avg_y/count)* g_alignment_desire;

void AddAttackRule(Ship *a) {
a->target_acquired = true;

// First we have to find the closest ship to the Ship a.

// To do this, we set a minimum distance to the distance between Ship a, and Ship 0.
float min = GetDistanceBetween(g_agents[0], a);
a->target = NULL;
Ship *target = g_agents[0];
//a->target = g_agents[0]; // Keep track of which ship is the closest.

// We now loop through all the ships, and check to see if we can find a smaller distance
for (unsigned int m=0; m < g_agents.size(); ++m) {

float potnewmin = GetDistanceBetween(g_agents[m], a);

// here we check if our potential new minimum distance is better, and reassign the target
// if it is.
if (potnewmin < min && g_agents[m]->team != a->team) {
min = potnewmin;
target = g_agents[m];

if (target != NULL && target->team != a->team) {

// If we get in here, it means that we have a target to attack.
// What we need to do, is obtain a relative vector to the target,
// and shoot in that direction.

a->target = target;
float vx = a->target->x - a->x;
float vy = a->target->y - a->y;
float mag = sqrtf(vx*vx + vy*vy);
vx /= mag+0.0001f;
vy /= mag+0.0001f;
if (a->vx * vx + a->vy * vy > 0.8f) {
if (RandFloat() < 0.01f) {
// This function will actually shoot a bullet in the direction
// we give it.
FireBullet(a->x, a->y, vx*g_bullet_speed,vy*g_bullet_speed, a);

a->vx += vx * g_target_pursuit_coefficient;
a->vy += vy * g_target_pursuit_coefficient;

void DegradeVelocity(Ship* a) {
a->vx = a->vx * g_velocity_degrade;
a->vy = a->vy * g_velocity_degrade;

bool UpdateAgents() {
for (unsigned int i=0; i < g_agents.size(); ++i) {

AddCohesionRule(g_agents[i]); // Cohesion rule applied to Ship i
AddSeparationRule(g_agents[i]); // Separation rule applied to Ship i
AddAlignmentRule(g_agents[i]); // Alignment rule applied to Ship i

AddAttackRule(g_agents[i]); // Special attack rule applied to Ship i

DegradeVelocity(g_agents[i]); // This function will add some friction to slow things down

ClampVelocity(g_agents[i]); // Check that velocities aren't too big.
MoveShip(g_agents[i]); // Finally, move the ship by its velocity.


return true; // return true, everything went ok.

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