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Well, that sucks... I guess messaging would be the best for now. Thankfully, it saved it so here is what I wrote. After re-reading the note you sent me, I think I have collected my thoughts and now am writing back. I thought it would be easier to find a note taking website, seeing as Imvu messaging doesn't really allow for really long messages. As for the ruminations I mentioned, there really isn't one that comes to mind, seeing as it's been a while since I last read your letter. I will say that that much is clear by way of you writing a letter, there is a genius eccentricity that follows your words. Words that I'm glad to read, they're a nice respite during this rather difficult time in my life. Since, it's been ages since the last letter anyone ever wrote to me. That being said, I'm quite curious what other words you have for me, even if I have to have many balls of yarns. It's been a while since I've really had to think about words. Yes, mythology. I can say for certainty that I love all myths, from all around the world. Although, I only know the most of Greek mythology but, I'm excited to learn more of other country's myths.
It's an interesting take you have when it comes to how you see I present myself. Something I don't really do, having an open kind of state, I believe that what I write on those bio's is just something that everyone does. That to get to know me, I hope the real me, you would have to continue talking. But, yes sometimes I am far more open on the aspects of my life that have caused me grief because I know that it could possibly help someone. Someone in a similar situation, where they are much too burdened to talk about it. So, in one case that's how I feel I am more open. And now, I appreciate that you would like to know more about me, it's always nice to meet people who are willing to explore a person in depth. It's difficult as I mentioned, fully opening myself... have had trouble with that for what seems like years. I do actually remember my dreams, not all of them of course but, some do stay with me. Even years after having it, or sometimes I would dream the same dream and sometimes with more clarity than the first time. I thought it really strange, most people don't remember much of their dreams but, with me it seems like it's a little different. Sometimes, I remember the entire dream... the sensations, the emotions and sometimes the words that were said in the dream. Also, my dreams are full of color and vibrancy, which I think it's because I sometimes think that my waking world is not as bright as others. Or even as I would like. I love the dreams I have, for the most part, they're funny, strange and full of magic sometimes. It has been some time that I've had an unpleasant dream, which I'm thankful for because nightmares are not fun for anyone. If I was in an elevator that stopped working, I believe I would love to have Yoongi (Suga) because I feel a connection to him. He's been through tough times in his life, which I feel like sympathize with. I mostly won't freak out but, I know having him there would make me feel more at ease. Plus, it would be fun listening to him talk about the situation and learn more about him. I will make sure to listen to the cover! I actually haven't read anything by a Korean author, at least I don't think so. I do like various movies and shows that Korea has made. I immerse myself, as best as I can, in the culture... so I love learning everything about Korea. Seeing as their food is amazingly delicious and always very conscious whenever I do eat at one of the many restaurants they have here where I live. Their history is interesting, although I will say I am not totally confident with my knowledge of it. The language is one I'm teaching myself, it's going really slow though. The only genre of music I don't like is country, I could listen to almost any other genre but, country is the one that just is not to my liking. Some techno is also not to my liking. Oh, I watch movies and shows from all over the world. Different genres of movies, mostly fantasy type ones. But, I am slowly getting into horror movies, courtesy of my sister. Still, the only horror type movies I genuinely love to watch are zombie ones. And I'm not sure why? I love the goriness of it all but, there are certain types of gore that do not sit well with my stomach. Will not watch ghost ones or anything with demons because those have scarred me to this point in my life. Now, I think I started the letter with Maneskin, one of their songs (Stato di natura, I believe it was called) but, now I'm listening to Thirty seconds to mars, This is war. A pretty old song of theirs, when they actually did music that I like. And I did listen to NELL, the song you recommended in the other note you wrote. I love rock, and pretty much all it's subgenre's. It was music that I listened to a lot when I wasn't really feeling the best and to this day, rock makes me feel much happier than other genres. Thank you, I love looking for names with meanings. My real name has only part of a nice meaning but, Fia is something simple. Delicate even. Honestly, I don't have a phrase that I really relate to, or at least I haven't found one. Latin is something that I recently found to like, since I started learning Italian so, that was a nice inspiration for the name I have chosen. Another name I love using sometimes is Delora, it has roots in Spanish and means 'sorrows'. Which is a great meaning, especially with what I feel currently.
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