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"TADASHI, NO!" Hiro's voice rang out surprisingly loud as he gripped Tadashi's light green blazer.
Tadashi looked at the building. It was coverted in flames, posters of the famous SFIT Science Convention hung horizantally against the tan walls that barely held in the flames. They're tall and blue with one white atom, a white few viles, and a green rectangle shaped box on the side with white text that read "San Fransokyo Science Showcase"
Attatched to the tan blocks was the entrance with walls and doors made of glass, lined in metal poles. Through the glass one could easily see the red gray smoke pouring out steaming hot. Tall green plasma lights stood out side the entrance one on each side of the glass as if to seperate it from the walls.
Hiro couldn't see the look on Tadashi's face, just his gray-black matted hair and the raven colored cap with the tiny red symbol of the San Fransokyo's baseball team, the ninjas. The side of the collar on Tadashi's green blazer folded out over the rest of the coat inside of this blazer one could barely see his black tight shirt most likely short sleeved though one could not tell due to his many layers of cloth covering his shivering body to keep warm. Though due to the light of the flame all of his clothing seemed, reddened.
Hiro meanwhile wore his normal dark green kahki's, the soft cloth rubbed against his ankles. A white long sleeved shirt was worn under a short sleeved red tshirt that had the small graphic of a blue and red robot on it. On top of this was Hiro's navy blue hoodie unzipped showing off the slightly tanned collarbone of Hiro's chest the rest covered by cloth that tickled at his skin. It was clear the Hamada brothers wore many layes of clothing no matter the weather.
Tadashi's head spun back around, one could now clearly see his blazer and his black shirt. No longer reddened from the heated flames you could see the collar of his shirt hung tightly to his chest showing off just a bit of collarbone party covered by the collar of his jacket. His eyebrows furrowed in worry, his eyes dripping with sadness and unsureness stared at Hiro desperately wanting him to understand his need to save others. His mouth slightly agap showing off a large frown.
"Callaghans in there." His eyebrows twitched pausing for only a moment turning his head down as if to deepen his gaze into Hiro's large sad puppy like eyes searching for the slightest understanding. His eyebrows went up his eyes widening.
"Someone has to help!" He explained making a slight hop away pulling his blazer from Hiro's grasp the younger males hand dropping in disappointment. Tadashi looked back towards the fire and ran to the doors. Hiro's eyes showed desperation, and no udnerstanding as to why his own big brother would pick his profesor over himself.
Tadashi ran up the stairs, his cap flying off onto the ground made of stone cement blocks. Carefully paved with stripes of gray and tan stones to show one their direction. Hiro took a light gasp his eyebrows going upwards still not understanding his brother.
Tadashi leaving his brother, the glass doors automatically opening for him he ran inside. He squinted as smoke filled his eyes, he attempted to cover his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket one arm coming up and one hand balling it's way into a fist.
He looked around his vision blurred and he noticed a black mob of Hiro's bots beginning to form around a man, a man he assumed was his professor. The bots began to form in large spikes spiraling around the man similar to a flower declining into a closed state.
"Professor Callaghan!" He screamed out and watched as a tan gray blur of hair and face turned towards him eyes widened. The bots stopped mid way the man wrapped around to his waist. Without much thought Tadashi ran towards his professor. The professor's eyebrows lift up his mouth opening agape as he looks deep into Tadashi's eyes in a blur of pain confusion and slight joy.
"Abagail...?" These words were mouthed by Callaghan, it was hard to tell but seeing Tadashi's heroic act his own daughter came to mind. For a moment, just for a single moment Tadashi looked exactly like his dear Abagail in the lonesome Professor's eyes.
Tadashi coughed loudly shutting his eyes tight for only a moment as he ran carefully jumping over flames scorching the bottoms of his mint high tops.
Seeing that it was not his daughter but his student Callaghan's face tensed up eyes closing, he turned away and sighed loudly. Remembering his daughter, then Callaghan's eyes opened wide. "If I do this... I'm just like him..." He told himself the idea of Krei coming to mind.
He shut his eyes again calmly this time and pictured the bots wrapping around Tadashi saving him and that is exactly what happened.
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