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An Energy Medicine Technique to Help Give Up Bad Habits and Form Better Ones
I often reference the teachings of Donna Eden who is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine. linked here as 'rediscovered' by Donna Eden (please read her fine books like Energy Medicine) is a simple and ancient technique, originally employed for pain control but extremely effective for help out with removing old habits you want to stop doing and making an effort to form better ones. The procedure is simply to tap on the compilation of points around each ear while repeating a phrase of one's choosing involving a subject matter you need to develop.
To use this technique you tap firmly on the temporal bone starting your temple and traveling around the back side of your respective ear to absolve at a spot just above where your earlobe begins. For whatever reason, this seems to build your brain more receptive to new ideas. This action also sedates the triple warmer meridian because you are inclined backwards to its normal flow just for this area of the meridian. The Triple Warmer governs a mans habits among other things.
Because of how the all over the place sides of the brain arrange it is best suited to 'tap in' a negatively worded phrase about the left side of the head plus a positively worded phrase around the right side of one's head. Find a habit, a health condition or an attitude you want to change and construct a negatively and a positively phrased sentence which have a similar meaning. For example; in the event you wished to be in an improved habit of regular exercise however you find that you don't have the personal motivation for this, you might tap something similar to "I will no longer avoid exercising every day" around the left side of your respective head and "I can easily exercise every day" on the right side.
According to Donna Eden, this easy technique employs several powerful elements including repetition, autosuggestion and neurological reprogramming. Because it is so simply powerful, caution has to be employed. The wording must be in a way as to not create the opposite effect in the one you would like. Be sure the wording is at common language that you would use, with your native language rather than worded in such a way that a voice in your head declares your sentence untrue.
Firmly tap within your statements 4 or 5 times per day and view for that improvements with your life.
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