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5 Soft Skills as an Entrepreneur. (6 slides termasuk cover)

1. Positive mindset
- Positivity isn’t about the number of smiley faces you attach to an email. Neither is it the way you greet the big boss in the morning. It’s about the kind of character your team brings into solving problems that makes it stand out. There are, without a doubt many failures and mistakes behind a prosperous business. The good news is that studies have shown - positivity helps build and increase resilience in individuals.

2. Active listening
- Active listening takes both skill and discipline to take the time to truly listen to a team member, customer, manager, etc. It is just like any other set of skills that take practice to get it right. Find a distraction-free area for your conversation, jot down a few notes or two and make good eye contact to help you stay present in the moment and take in the speaker’s information better.

3. Flexibility
- Life is unpredictable and no matter how hard we try to “control situations” there are times when things won’t go our way, whether it be in the business world or ourselves as an individual. Don't fear change. Adapt with it. Entrepreneurs with a flexible mindset are able to think of all the available options towards change, risks and individuals in the team.

4. Transparency
- As we all know, communication is key. But how effective is communication without transparency? Being transparent is a powerful thing, if you can trust yourself and be trusted by others. Things can get messy and out of control if the leader lacks strong skills in giving CLEAR instructions. Engage face-to-face and/or video interactions with employees to build that connection and intimacy within the team.

5. Facing discomfort
- Nothing new here: If you want to do business, you’ve got to be ready to step out of comfort zones. The ability to put yourself out there and push through discomfort teaches entrepreneurs the importance of analytical but fearless decision making. And pro tip - handling discomfort isn’t just about courageous decisions. It’s also about feeling OK with asking for help and teaching others to do so with your example.
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Regards; Team

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