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A Simple Take Of Podcasting
Ever wonder about the evolution of the podcast? While podcasting is a comparatively new technology, it has a rather fascinating albeit brief time. The history behind the word, "podcast" is quite interesting and reflects the rapidly changing nature of that Internet community.

Podcasting is a term which was only coined in 2004, and it combines two words: broadcasting and iPod. Ironically, this definition isn't entirely accurate since neither component is completely exact. Neither podcasting nor listening to podcasts require the use of an iPod or any other portable player. In actual fact, podcasts can be listened to by any mp3-equipped device, including desktop computers. The idea behind the name came simply because Apple Computer's iPod was the best-selling device for portable audio players at the time that podcasting was first introduced. Additionally, no over-the air broadcasting is required either.

The editors from the New Oxford American Dictionary jumped onto the bandwagon of podcasting and declared "podcasting" phrase of 2005. for 2005. The term was defined as "a recorded digitally an audio broadcast or similar programs, which is available via the Internet to download to a personal audio player." The word can be added into the web-based version when they release the next update.

The term"podcasting" came into use by journalist Ben Hammersley, and then popularized by the former MTV VJ and media-entrepreneur Adam Curry. Ms. Curry created an Applescript application that automatized the process of downloading and syncing audio files to iPods.

Alternative names or meanings for the letter "P-O-D" were suggested, the most popular of that was "Personal On Demand". Technology writer, Doc Searls came up with this phrase back in September, 2004. Some terms like "audio-blogging" as well as magazine audio" along with "web-casting" are also offered to describe this unique kind of media distribution.

Other "pod"-derived phrases are "podcasters" (those with the ability to create podcasts) along with "podcatchers" which are the specific RSS aggregators that check periodically for new content and download it automatically. The Podcatcher software allows users to copy podcasts onto portable audio and video players.

Podcasting's popularity is growing quickly due to the rapid expansion of MP3 players as well as the desire of customers to get new content. Podcasting has flourished because it provides people with more control over the content they listen to and the option of taking their podcasts to wherever they go.

In the past, blogging has never technology come to light so suddenly and been so quickly and widely adopted as podcasting. The development of this new industry is expected to accelerate quickly due to the rapid acceptance of this technology by the radio broadcast industry in 2005 as well as Apple's iTunes distribution. The rising popularity of podcasts challenges traditional Radio's model for broadcasting.

Although iTunes is only two years old. 4.8 million listeners downloaded a podcast in 2005, in contrast to just over 800,000. in 2004. And 11.4 million listeners are expected this year, based on research from the Diffusion Group. Already , the Apple iTunes service offers 15,000 podcasts and listeners have signed up for more than 7 million subscriptions.

A study by Bridge Ratings in November 2005 with radio listeners in ten markets across the nation discovered that about 20% of listeners who have downloaded and listen to a podcast do so on a daily basis. The group downloads an average of six podcasts every week, and they spend approximately four hours a month listening to podcasts downloaded.

The study also predicted rapid growth for the industry in the near future. As per Bridge Ratings, by 2010, podcast audience growth is expected to reach a conservative 45 million listeners who have never heard of any podcast. The most optimistic estimates put this number closer to 75 million by this date.

How does this affect you?

With podcast listening growing exponentially, podcasts offer you a highly effective way to market your services or products. The benefit of podcasts is that they're extremely simple and inexpensive to produce. Podcasting can help ensure that you have a better relationship with your audience by offering them interesting regularly updated and informative information about what's happening in your business. If you have a website and you have a podcast, there's no reason that you need to not have an online podcast accessible since it's not difficult to set up and can bring a significant increase in the number of visitors to your website. In short, podcasting should be an integral part of any online marketing strategy.

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