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Age of Enlightenment: A Radical Enlightenment Philosophy
The Age of Enlightenment (sometimes called the Enlightened Age) was a historical period that occurred in the 18th century and focused on abstract and practical intellectual enlightenment. The Enlightenment was an era with highly developed ideas which were based on Reason as the primary source and legitimacy and legitimacy of authority. They advocated for individualistic values such as freedom, tolerance and separation between religion and government as well as freedom from thought and political pluralism. It is often regarded as one of the most important eras in world history, with the possibility of its revival in the current era being discussed. In Europe this period began after the French revolution in 1794 The new government promoted scientific thinking, education in science and scientific pursuits. Some philosophers and scientists denied the theories of the time and claimed that certain practices were mystical or unimportant.

Although the Age of Enlightenment had many negative impacts on architecture, there were also positive aspects. Enlightenment Period architecture featured elaborate themes that were based on religion, science or man's natural instincts. This style of architecture was influenced by Le Corbusier, who many believe to be the father of modern furniture design. thai architect He believed in opulence and materialism.

The Age of Enlightenment was a significant contributor to the development of individualism and liberalism and equality, freedoms, democracy and the rule of laws. It was the birthplace of the concepts of rights, democracy, freedom equality, social responsibility, political power toleration, freedom, individuality, markets, and corporations. Henry David Thoreau, an philosopher of the enlightenment, coined the famous phrase "Laws are chains which are a binding force for men."

The Age of Enlightenment also saw the birth of concepts such as moral rights and natural rights, justice and freedom, property and hierarchy, tradition, political obligation and justice. These concepts formed the basis of many philosophies, including natural rights, political rights freedom, enterprise, freedom and individualism. Some of these ideas became part of American law and government systems, while others spread across Europe and Asia. These thinkers were the ones responsible for the development of the philosophical movement referred to as enlightenment. The Enlightenment philosophy gave people the ability to collaborate, despite differences. It gave them a common cause and an identity.

The age of enlightenment, and the thinkers of the enlightenment, was the basis for the philosophical movement of the enlightenment. The notions of rights and freedoms as well as justice, liberty and freedom gave birth to the theories of human rights and tolerance for religion. In Europe, the ideas of the enlightenment were particularly popular in France where the notion of laisseurship first became popular in the 16th century. The French word, libertaire, comes from the French words, "free-thinker" and "tolerant".

The scientific method came to be known as the philosophical movement of enlightenment. It was triggered by the French Revolution. The scientific method was named in honor of the famous Encyclopaedia Dramatica by Daniel Defoe. This work is the principal source for the methods of science that have dominated scientific thought in the present.

The profound influence of the philosophical enlightenment thought on European society was profound. The notion of social responsibility arose from a combination of concepts of rights and responsibility. The Encyclopaedia Dramatica was first translated and edited in English in the late eighteenth century. In the early nineteenth century, this idea was popularized by writers such as Francis Bacon, John Locke, David Weber, and Sir Josiah Warren. The scientific method gave rise to the idea of the advancement of the mind or soul through an act of reasoning. The Encyclopaedia Dramatica was the first work to introduce the concept of divine providence and natural selection in an age that is obsessed with materialism.

The Age of Enlightenment generated a number of radical thinkers of the enlightenment. Though they could be said to be either radicals or reactionaries but they all adhered to the fundamental tenets of a materialistic philosophy, namely that the human mind has the power to control its own behavior. The natural order and laws of nature can be understood by the human mind they believed. This meant that all religions were deemed untrue and only an abstract moral code was accepted.

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