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Age of Enlightenment - The Eclipse of Painting and Sculpture
The Age of Enlightenment often is associative with the Counter-Reformation Period when the reformed churches broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and formed their own denomination. The Catholic Church's power as an institution was not lost when it split. Although the individualistic tendencies of reform churches were more prominent however, the structure that underlies the reformed churches remained stable, particularly in the field of religious tolerance. The Counter-Reformation collapse was a significant shift in power. The absolute authority of the Catholic Church in Rome was replaced by the relative authority of local bishops. The Age of Enlightenment was a significant contributor to progressive theological thinking about religious issues, particularly regarding gender issues.

The Age of Enlightenment also saw the blossoming of European architecture, which gave way to a variety of liberal arts movements. One of these, dubbed the Diderot Period gave rise to democracy and laissez faire. These ideas were later adopted and developed by later European architects such as Rembrandt and Le Corbusier. Many great artists were born during the French Revolution, including Jean Baptiste du Lacroix who's works remain well-known in the present. The Dutch Renaissance saw the artist as both a person and a form of worship. This gave way to more democratic designs like the sit Van Gogh and the tulip. Influenced by Male Boucher, the Viennese avant-garde art movements of the time were heavily influenced by natural landscapes and artistic expressions.

In the Age of Enlightenment, the abstract expressionism of artists like Rokeach and others helped create a more democratic art form that was more open and experimental. This was followed by developments in the scientific field, resulting in progress in the nineteenth century in the fields of physics as well as chemistry. The French Revolution also gave birth to a variety of progressive artists such as Charesques and Savassan. The majority of European artists during the Age of Enlightenment were either restricted to the local/cultural limitations or they were driven underground. Some of them vanished.

France was again a major political arena after Napoleon Bonaparte's passing. Artists were viewed as scapegoats and were detained and ruined by the new absolutes. Delacroix was convicted of publishing a book that was opposed to the Directory and the Directory of Publications, was exiled from France. Boucher was held for a lengthy time in prison. His works were then confiscated and sold in the marketplace following his death. Many other artists suffered the same fate.

However the spirit of the age of enlightenment, and the encouragement to art didn't fade away completely. The French Revolution of 1794 was followed by the "Decay of Excellence" in art. Many famous painters and philosophers spoke out against the advancements in technology and science, claiming that they threatened the nature of art. However the French Revolution did stimulate the advancement of art and artistic thinking in general.

There are many examples of this. Benjamin Franklin said, "Good art is well done and the worst can be best". He continued to saythat "Good taste is an art form". These words have become part of a mantra to many artists. They are usually quoted by British writer Colley Cocks.

Henry van der Graaf popularized the phrase "The worker is master of his work." In his book "On the Novelty Side", he described the work as the expression of a desire within. He said that art is man's connection to the universe. Van der Graaf pointed out that to get happiness one must look beyond themselves and be willing to embrace the world and its diversity. This was an important message that came from one of the most important artists of our time.

Rembrandt was also regarded as one of the "influencers" for the new ideas of enlightenment. As opposed to the artists before him, he took his work very seriously and was ready to spend huge amounts of money on his paintings. This was a necessity, as he wanted to convey the seriousness and respect of an artwork. บริษัทสถาปนิก

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