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So you want to be described as a Doctor of Naturopathy? Or do you wish to be a true Naturopath? Yes, there are two distinct paths in terms of natural medicine. You can get a Doctor of Naturopathy degree from an accredited school after which you in turn become a primary care physician. You can then prescribe drugs and perform minor surgery.
Or it is possible to go the route from the true Naturopath and learn Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathy, Herbology, Hydrotherapy, Physical Medicine (that might include Massage Therapy and Reflexology), and Counseling.
The "formal" education in Naturopathic Medicine includes prescribing pharmaceuticals. The true Naturopath educates the individual on healing herbs as well as the advantages of a balanced, proper diet.
The Naturopathic Doctor performs minor surgery. Your Domain Name shuns any invasive procedure.
The Naturopathic Doctor diagnoses and treats disease. The true Naturopath works with anybody in order to prevent disease.
The Naturopathic Doctor travels to school primarily to become mainstream physician. The true Naturopath only wants the best for anyone - the best food, the best water, the top natural cures, and the best lifestyle.
The Naturopathic Doctor is not recognized by the American Medical Association. The true Naturopath could care less. She follows her own philosophy that has a holistic procedure for medical care, care that focuses on cleansing and strengthening one's body so it can heal itself.
No matter which path you take, the basic philosophy continues to be same. Naturopathy has a distinctly natural approach to health insurance disease. It emphasizes treatment that stimulates, boosts, and props up innate healing capacity of the body system.
Naturopathy is based on the philosophy first used in the Hippocratic School of Medicine from around 400 B.C., once they used the definition of "Vis Medicatrix Naturae," which is Latin for "the Healing Power of Nature." They noted your body's power to create, sustain and restore health. The Naturopath identifies and removes obstacles to health and helps the person build the best environment to aid good health.
The Naturopath realizes you have to reach the root of the illness for stopping the condition. If you don't know what causes an illness, you can not cure the condition. Symptoms are messages from your body leading the Naturopath on the root from the illness. Therefore symptoms mustn't be covered up by medication until a diagnosis is manufactured.
Naturopathy follows the edict, "First do no harm." Treatment must keep the healing process, not treat it. Any drug or treatment that suppresses symptoms without first diagnosing and treating the sickness is considered harmful and must be ignored or reduced as much as possible.
The Naturopath believes within the holistic approach to health. The person overall, mind, body, and spirit, as well as his living environment is taken into account when treatment is administered. This requires an individualized and unique treatment insurance policy for every patient.
In order to produce an individual policy for each patient, the Naturopath will need to have an individual relationship with each patient. The patient informs the Naturopath of his lifestyle, eating and sleeping habits, stress level, etc. The Naturopath educates the sufferer on healthy diet, stress management, and any other treatment that fits his individual needs. Ultimately it is the sufferer who heals himself, or rather one's body heals itself.
The ultimate goal from the Naturopath could be the prevention of illness. Through education, the Naturopath hopes diet, a pill, proper exercise, and a diet and weight loss environment can prevent disease from occurring within the beginning.
By boosting the immune system, the body can be a fortress against invading diseases, viruses, and bacteria. In the end patients might be knocking about the true Naturopath's door instead from the Doctor's door when prescribed drugs, vaccines, and surgery prove they don't support the answer for today's superbugs, bird flu, anthrax, or whatever horror is close to hit the unsuspecting public.
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