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GEORGE - *Frisk himself, looking frantically around* No! *Exasperated*
GEORGE (CONT’D) - *facepalms* *grunt in frustration* Oh, Bill’s gonna kill me...

PENNYWISE - *Running up, out of breath, hold up finger signaling to wait* This your boat?

George: *rolls eyes* *reaches for boat*

PENNYWISE (CONT’D) - *retracts boat back to self, still out of breath* It’s a nice boat. Floats.

GEORGE - "Why are you in the sewer?" *annoyed* (What are you doing here?)

PENNYWISE - Oh, the "circus" (teacher) said not to say. *nervous, kind of laughing to self/small talk sort of manner*

GEORGE - How come? *in disbelief*

PENNYWISE - They don’t let me in on that stuff. I just do my tricks for the "kids" (teacher). You look like a nice boy. I’ll bet you have a lot of friends. *clasps hands together*

GEORGE - *crosses arms* Three. But my brother is my best best... *nodding head to self*

PENNYWISE - *fast* Your best best. *pause* Is this his boat? *excited, still clinging onto boat*

GEORGE - *annoyed. Hint you want the boat back NOW* He made it for me...

PENNYWISE - That’s a good brother. Where is he? *look around* (Can I meet him?)

GEORGE - *starting to get annoyed* In bed. *pause* Sick. *"punch" your words here*

PENNYWISE - (OH!) Let me cheer him up. *Oblivious to hints* I’ll bring you both to the "circus" (dance). (when he gets better)

GEORGE - He won’t want to go. *monotone, flat, angry*

PENNYWISE - *shocked* Why not? Well... *frantic thinking and pause, waving hand desperately* There’s cotton candy and 'bearded women' (cute girls) and all the balloons your brother could want. *list these quickly*

GEORGE - He’s 13 *stare at him like "dude"*. *pause* *look him in the eye* He thinks balloons are dumb. And clowns (girls) are dumb.

PENNYWISE - Well you don’t... *bring hands inward* do you? *hopeful*

PENNYWISE (CONT’D) - "I’ll take just you then" (I can just take you)
*extend hand, but bring boat closer to self*

George- *reaches out, but for the boat*.

GEORGE - *steps back after seeing Pennywise extend hand* I don’t know. "I’m not supposed to talk to strangers" (I don't know, I just met you.

PENNYWISE - "Smart parents, smart parents." (True, true). *nodding in agreement* *perk up* *extend handshake again* Well I’m Bob Gray. *hand on chest* Pennywise to my friends. What do they call you? *hand with boat on chest, pointing at George*

GEORGE - *reluctantly shakes hand back. Looks kind of disgusted* *firm, monotone* Georgie.

PENNYWISE - Georgie.*endearing* (see, we're not strangers now!)

PENNYWISE (CONT’D) - I *clasp hands and sort of bow* *emphasize promise* promise I’ll have you back in time for dinner. Give me your hand, we’ll shake on it. (*while waving hand in air, tilting head* again)

GEORGE - *crossing arms, chin up* You’re still a stranger. (Take a hint) *shaking head* I don’t want to talk to you.

PENNYWISE - *sighs* Fine then... *slumps over in defeat* *holds boat out* I'll just give you back you boat then.

*George snatches the boat and walks away*
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